[sci.virtual-worlds] goggles/health

galt@hellgate.utah.edu (Greg Alt) (06/05/91)

First, I would like to say that the flames should be moved to alt.flame.
It just does not help me in developing a VR system to know why one person
is annoyed at another.  If you want to talk about cyberspace, do that on
Now, I have a question about using eyephones or anything similar.  
It seems that CRT's are a possible health risk and should not be used 
right up against your eyes for a long time, but what about LCD screens?
While there is little or no radiation, it is still looking at something
only a few inches away from your face.  I would think this is not good
and could cause some pretty bad eyestrain.  I am nearsighted, and my
glasses have the effect of bringing objects about a foot from my eyes.
I wonder what the effect of the optics are on the LCD screen.  I would
hope they take the screen farther away from your eyes and enlarge it,
but does anyone know the sort of lenses that would be used?  It would be
very good if it would have the effect of taking the picture out to 
Also, in a couple weeks, I will start to work on a simple 3D graphics
system that has perspective views.  I will write it in Turbo C, and 
I will post it (or send it to the new cheap-VR ftp site).  I plan on
using a hierarchical structure similar to PHIGS, and it will be flexible
with color and depth cueing.  If anyone has comments or suggestions,
please email me...  I  plan on not supporting lights, but I think I
will leave some hooks to allow expansion...

Does anyone have any further information on Power-Gloves?  (how about
a letter writing campaign to the guy that wrote the last article in
