[sci.virtual-worlds] Sega

kilian@poplar.cray.com (Alan Kilian) (06/05/91)

lance@motcsd.csd.mot.com (lance.norskog) Asks:
> 1) You reported that your Sega Goggles "don't go very dark".
>     Do you have an extinction ratio rating for them?

  I do now. The Sega(tm) glasses have a pair of LCD shutters in them and a
  dark plastic lens in front of the LCDs.

  The dark plastic is about a 3 stop reduction (Only 12% gets through)
  The LCDs are about 2 more stops so here are the numbers:

  LCD transparent 3 stops reduction (12%)
  LCD opaque      5 stops reduction ( 3%)

  So the extinction ratio is 2 stops (1:4) which isn't very good.

  Well let's put it in perspective they only cost $30.00 after all.

 -Alan Kilian kilian@cray.com                  612.683.5499
  Cray Research, Inc.           | "The Fragile X Syndrome may me the most
  655 F Lone Oak Drive          | frequent cause of inherited mental
  Eagan  MN,     55121          | retardation". Science 24-May-1991 PP1097