[sci.virtual-worlds] PRESENCE wants your news!

blake@milton.u.washington.edu (Blake Hannaford) (06/08/91)


        Final Call For News and Announcements,
        First Issue: January 92

        The Journal of Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
        MIT Press


Thanks for your responses to my earlier (March 91) email concerning
news items for a "What's Happening" section of PRESENCE.  Note that the
expected date of our first issue is now January 1992.

I am putting together the text for our first "WH" and next week
(i.e. before June 16) is your last chance for updating your news
or adding a new item.

A reminder -- the three catagories of items are:

        Starting a company?             |
        Starting a new Laboratory?      | [Know of anyone else
        Publish a new book?             |   doing these things???]
        Other new journals?             |
        New electronic lists?           |


        Calls for papers?
        New products? [Emphasis here on technical novelty
        -- marketing blurbs not considered]


        Conference dates and deadlines.

Submitting something is as simple as FAXing me a conference
announcement which looks interesting to you.  No more than about one
page is appropriate.

Blake Hannaford


Blake Hannaford
Department of Electrical Engineering  FT-10
University of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195

(206)543-2197 (voice)
(206)543-3842 (FAX)
hannaford@ee.washington.edu (email)