[sci.virtual-worlds] Beacon Books seeks manuscripts on cyberspace, related topics.

ctan@world.std.com (Cecilia M Tan) (06/11/91)

Hi, there.  

I have been poking around comp.society and other groups, looking to 
connect with researchers and scholars on the cutting edge of the electronic
community.  I work in the marketing department of Beacon Press, an
independent publishing house here in Boston, that publishes nonfiction
on various topics, one of which is Communications and Society.  One
of the topics we have been kicking around in possible new editorial
directions is computers/networks/cyberspace and its implications for
social change, etc...   I'm also interested in seeing work on the
society and culture of the net itself.  It seems that net.culture is
moving from being a sub-culture to being a demographic group within
mainstream culture.  Certainly in certain geographic areas (Bay Area,
Boston) this has already happened, and the existence of magazines like
Mondo 2000 are furthering it.

In any case, I would like to ask if you know of researchers or other
people who write, and who may be working on book-length projects but
are not yet committed to a publisher, who might be interested in
proposing something to Beacon.  We are the publishers of The Media
Monopoly by Ben Bagdikian, The Electronic Nightmare by Wicklein.  In
the 50s we published Marshall McLuhan and other authors including 
Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.  

Thanks for your time and attention.


Cecilia Tan  Beacon Press 25 Beacon Street, Boston, MA  02108
    (617) 742-2110 x572
