[sci.virtual-worlds] ROLL CALL! ROLL CALL!

hlab@milton.u.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (06/13/91)

        Periodically I ask new users and those longtime participants
whose situations have changed to give us a report on who they are and
what they're doing.

        This information is kept confidential; not even the HIT Lab
uses this information.  Occasionally (and more frequently of late), if
two or more participants have common interests or similar work, I may
ask if people want to be put in touch with each other.  First I get
explicit permissions all around.  So your Roll Call is private.

        The Roll Calls will be of great value to future historians of
our field.  This time, I would like to expand the Roll Call and ask
for those participants who have successfully corresponded with others
via email, telephone, or face-to-face to report these exchanges.  This
will give a fuller picture of how sci.virtual-worlds functions and
enable us to make it more useful for you in the future.

        Your responses can be as specific or general as you like.
Lab reports are particularly welcome, as they encompass multiple
activities -- but you don't have to respond to the Roll Call to 
continue to access sci.v-w and participate in the ongoing conversation.
This is purely optional.

        Thanks for your help in providing the Big Picture.  The
questions I suggest follow...feel free to expand upon them.

Bob Jacobson

        PS  About 350 persons have responded to the Roll Call so far.


        1.  Who are you?

        2.  What are your addresses, phones, faxes, and email

        3.  What work do you do?  What are your related hobbies?

        4.  Are you active in the virtual worlds area?  Doing
        anything significant (for you or the universe)?

        5.  What is your interest in virtual worlds?

        6.  Have you corresponded with other participants in
        private?  How?  And how has it gone?  Results?

        7.  Do you have recommendations for the moderators to
        improve sci.virtual-worlds and make it more useful
        for you?