[sci.virtual-worlds] Gogglevox

adams@texsun.Central.Sun.COM (Ronald B. Adams II) (06/13/91)

For you goggle freeks:

I just read a item in the June, 1991 issue of "Photonics Spectra"
about an English inventor, William Johnson.  He has come up with
a "personal TV set" that "could be on the market for around 300
pounds", called the Gogglevox.  It "consists of a tiny LCD screen,
magnified 12 times.  Johnson claims that all problems associated
with close-up viewing have been overcome in his invention."

"The secret is in the filtering system," he says.  "It cuts out
the black parts of the LCD screen, allowing the image to be
magnified with no loss in brightness, contrast and color."

It looks like a pair of ski goggles with an earphone in the
accompanying photo.

He's looking for backers.  No contact information, but he could
probably be tracked down through the magazine.  The phone number
in the masthead: (413) 449-0514

Ron Adams
Hughes Simulation Systems Inc.  --  (formerly Rediffusion Simulation Inc.)
Arlington, Texas
{texsun,hacgate}!redsim!adams   (uucp)
     adams@redsim.hss.hac.com   (internet)

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