[sci.virtual-worlds] Reduction in postingsOA.

hlab@milton.u.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (06/17/91)

        Postings for sci.virtual-worlds have slowed a bit.  (For some
of you, this comes as welcome relief!)  The field has not become less
popular, however:  School has let out in the U.S., from where most of
our postings still originate, and students formerly with easy access
to computer resources on campus are now out on the streets looking for
work, tending the farm, or recreating.

        Be forewarned:  This condition will not continue indefinitely!
In about three months, the posts will rev up again.  Prepare your
info-filters now!   :-)

Bob Jacobson

PS  To students still online, you have a responsibility to fill in for
your erstwhile colleagues.  We're looking forward to your continuing