[sci.virtual-worlds] Virtual Worlds as an Archaeological Tool? Research leads needed.

hlab@milton.u.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (06/18/91)

No need to crosspost the article about archaeology.  I did so
already.  Our computer now receives sci.archaeology (and it's
sooooo interesting).

Bob Jacobson

D.J.Keen@ecs.southampton.ac.uk (Duncan Keen) (06/18/91)

  I am a research student here at Southampton University working 
  on developing computer based tools for analysing antiquarian 
  plans of a ancient monument in England called Avebury.  

  I hope in the latter stages of my work to use virtual worlds 
  to further explore these plans and their relation to the current 
  site . The tools are to comprise of at first a 2-d environment 
  in which we can graphically explore and compare the plans which 
  we hope to later expand in to a 3-d exploration.

  I am currently working on a paper for  a humanities and computing
  journal in which I hope to present the full potential of the 
  virtual world as an analytical tool for the study of antiquarian
  plans in general . I hope that you may be able to put me in touch 
  with someone who can give me some more information or mail me some
  papers which could be of use now and to aid in my future developments.

   thank you for your time ,
         duncan keen .

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  There is reportedly a new newsgroup, sci.
archaeology (or something to that effect) for which this is an ideal
posting.  However, we don't have access from the UW computer.  If
someone could crosspost this to sci.archaeology, I would appreciate
it.  (And let me know.)  Thanks. -- Bob Jacobson]