[sci.virtual-worlds] Maze!

dbarberi@rodan.acs.syr.edu (London W11) (06/19/91)

Hello Net.world,

     I agree with our moderator, it has become a bit slow here recently.
But not all of us students are out 'recreating' :-) some of us are in
summer school!

     I've just started at the SU VR lab, and was thinking of doing a 
Virtual Maze for one of my projects.  Idealy it would be a 3-d maze in
which you control movements from a powerglove.

      Does anyone have any set of hand gestures that control movement in
3-dimensions?  Is there any standard for this or does everyone do it

David Barberi             |    "The Universe has a tendecy to exist" -zorgo  |
Syracuse University       |--------------------------------------------------|
S.I. Newhouse School of   |  Bitnet: Dbarberi@SUNRISE                        |
Public Communications     |  Internet: Dbarberi@Rodan.acs.syr.edu            | 
David Barberi             |    "The Universe has a tendecy to exist" -zorgo  |
Syracuse University       |--------------------------------------------------|
S.I. Newhouse School of   |  Bitnet: Dbarberi@SUNRISE                        |
Public Communications     |  Internet: Dbarberi@Rodan.acs.syr.edu            | 