[sci.virtual-worlds] New newsgroup: comp.human-factors

hlab@milton.u.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (06/20/91)

        A new and very important (for us) newsgroup is comp.human-factors.
This newsgroup is dedicated to usability, design, and technology issues not
discussed elsewhere.  Current topics include eye-tracking and trackball
technologies, literature, etc.  New and promising.

        Others have asked me what newsgroups I subscribe to.  Among those
most useful in providing leads to sci.virtual-worlds' participants have been:

                comp.simulation (excellent digest)
                comp.graphics.visualization (started off with a
                   bang but quickly became austere and technical)
                comp.risks (excellent digest, slightly off the
                   beaten path:  dangers inherent in technology)
                comp.infoware (network technology, occasional)
                comp.groupware (struggling for critical mass)
                comp.research.japan (excellent digest)
                comp.dcom.telecom (telecommunications news)
                comp.org.talk.eff \
                alt.privacy       / technology and privacy
                news.announce.conferences (news of conferences)
                comp.ingrafx (embryonic discussion of informa-
                   tion design -- could use infusion of energy)
                soc.japan  \ real entertainment
                soc.german /
        Anyone else with good newsgroups to recommend, please do so.
USENET is a resource few of us know a lot about.

Bob Jacobson

osborne@software.org (Skip Osborne) (06/20/91)

In article <1991Jun19.195427.24964@milton.u.washington.edu> you write:
>        Anyone else with good newsgroups to recommend, please do so.
>USENET is a resource few of us know a lot about.
        You can also benefit from: 

          comp.lang.visual   (critical mass problem, but coming to life.
                             My own major interest is designing and building
                             tools for a visual language to browse domains,
                             and organize such mindspaces)

          comp.multimedia    (as broad as the name suggests, and 
                             frequently overlapping V-W)

          comp.cog-eng       (obvious relevancy)

          comp.specification (related issues, other than Z and VDM)

          sci.nanotech       (some far-out connections with ourselves -
                             see, for instance, recent discussions of "memes")
          sci.lang           (may be more relevant to my interests than to 
                             the group as a whole)

Skip Osborne
Software Productivity Consortium
Herndon, Va 22070

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  comp.infoware on my earlier postings should have been
comp.infosystems -- Bob Jacobson]