[sci.virtual-worlds] VR Engines/Drivers Discussion: C'mon Back!

hlab@milton.u.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (06/23/91)

Dean Johnson of Cray enlightened me to the existence of a mailing list
set up for the discussion of heavy metal (i.e., big/fast computers) after
sci.v-w participants criticized the technical discussion taking place

As moderator, I would like to encourage the discussants of engines
and drivers to "come on back!"  The topic of machinery is appropriate.
We need better computing hardward to make virtual worlds that are useful.
In the last two days, the HIT Lab has heard impressive presentations from Herb
Taylor of Sarnoff Research Center, regarding the Princeton Engine; and
people at BBN Applied Simulations regarding their CIGs (correct acro-
nym?) rapid simulation system.  It was clear to us that the emergence of
this technology may change the way we make virtual worlds, especially as
this gear gets smaller, cheaper, and faster.

The reaction against the last debate about the Cray vs. the Connection
Machine was generated by two factors:  (1) it was getting too personalized
and on the verge of flamery, and (2) the debaters were leaving the rest of
the crowd behind by not relating their technical discussions to the con-
cerns of the other participants (i.e., how the machines would be applied
to, or give advantages to designers of, virtual worlds).  If some care can
be taken in this regard, we can get on with it.

Bob Jacobson