[sci.virtual-worlds] What would you want to do with a cyberspace?

jad@expert.cc.purdue.edu (John Dormer) (06/24/91)

  I'm not sure I've seen anyone ask this, so I hold my breath and type;

        What would you like to be able to do with a cyberspace implementation?

  I ask this because I'm serious about trying to build one on my own. It is a
system of systems (things too big for one person to understand), so we'll see
if I do it or go nuts trying. At least this will hopefully generate some
discussion. I want to hear from the artists and the techies, ok?

  My view of how a true virtual reality differs from a cyberspace is that a
cyberspace is about half as refined as a VR, at best. You could build a VR out
of a decent cyberspace. The cyberspace provides the communication, both data 
and visual, needed to build a VR. I think VR is on top of cyberspace like
TCP/IP is on top of routing hardware.

  I need this to guide what I build into the basic constructs. I've heard that
design by committee is bad (look at Ada and COBOL, some may say), but this
should be discusison, not an all-out design. That will be my fault.

  In order that we all be able to think about this, I suggest replies come as
follow-ups, but email is always welcome.

        John Dormer