[sci.virtual-worlds] cheap head tracker

ih3e@dogwood.cs.Virginia.EDU (Jan Hoenisch) (06/25/91)


Here is the information that I got from Bill.  I talked with him for
some time on the phone and it all sounds good.  Give him a call
if you are considering one of these babies.  I would like to
remind everyone that this is a post for him since he does not
have internet access and that I will not forward messages.  The
only way he can be reached is via phone, or mail.  He does
have fax address but I don't know the number.

Have fun,
                        PRESS RELEASE

Shooting Star Technology is pleased to introduce the ADL-1, the
world's first low cost 6D tracker.  The ADL-1 is a turn-key system
that measures the position and orientation of any attached object.
Included are an adjustable headband, a hand mount bracket, and a wand
for digitizing.  The lightweight articulated arm tracks the users'
motions and is unaffected by nearby metal objects making it possible
to digitize metal objects.  There are convenient mounting holes and
tabs for easy experiment set-up.  Data is transmitted over and RS-232C
link at any of 4 baud rates (4800, 9600, 19200, 38400)  continuously,
on demand, or incrementally (output a new point when the reference
has moved a certain distance)  The position/orientation can be any
combination of Cartesian/spherical/cylindrical coordinates, and
roll/pitch/yaw angles, direction cosines, or a direction-of-gaze
vector cross product.  The resolution is approximately 0.025 inch,
absolute accuracy is approximatly 0.200 inch, repeatability is < 0.1
inch, all depending on where in the work volume the reference  point
is.  Price $US 1499.

Call Bill Chernoff at 604-298-8574
Shooting Star Technology, 1921 Holdom Avenue, Burnaby, B.C. Canada
V5B 3W4

June 20 1990

Work volume is a half cylinder

size:  about 2ft radius
       about 18" high

Jan Hoenisch (ih3e@virginia.edu) or (ih3e@uvacs.cs.virginia.edu)
Graduate Student, Computer Science Department, Thornton Hall,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2442 
Virtual reality is REAL; How real is virtuality?