[sci.virtual-worlds] VR and CIG's

jraymond@BBN.COM (Jayson Raymond) (06/25/91)

Our esteemed moderator writes:

>As moderator, I would like to encourage the discussants of engines
>and drivers to "come on back!"  The topic of machinery is appropriate.
>We need better computing hardward to make virtual worlds that are useful.
>In the last two days, the HIT Lab has heard impressive presentations from Herb
>Taylor of Sarnoff Research Center, regarding the Princeton Engine; and
>people at BBN Applied Simulations regarding their CIGs (correct acro-
>nym?) rapid simulation system.  It was clear to us that the emergence of
>this technology may change the way we make virtual worlds, especially as
>this gear gets smaller, cheaper, and faster.

        Okay, I'll take this opportunity to plug Computer Image
Generators (and "CIG" or "IG" are correct acronyms) in general and their
applications to VR. These systems are specifically designed to provide
three dimensional, polygonal, textured, virtual worlds that are
typically unobtainable at adequate performance levels by general purpose

(As you read the following, please bear the following in mind. 

(- First, I am speaking from my own personal interest in VR and in no way
represent BBN or other CIG companies mentioned herein. 

(- And second, although I have focused on the technology and not the
applications and the typical financer of such technology, the fact
remains that those controversial defense dollars have made much of this
technology possible, and continues to drive the prices down and system
performance levels up, making references to defense unavoidable.)

A little history 
        Previously the high cost associated with designing specialized
systems with the performance required to produce scenes that suspend
disbelief resulted in simulators that were (and many still are) quite
costly (> $1 M). The only applications that could afford this type of
budget were aircraft trainers, with little-to-no interaction with other
        As technology advanced, the cost of producing a scene that was a
"60% solution" (320 x 128) had reduced to the point that made a virtual
world comprised of hundreds of networked participants attainable. This
allowed team training to occur, as opposed to the individual training
focus of previously. This concept was proven in the Darpa funded Simnet
(SIMulator NETwork) program, with 320 worldwide networked ground vehicle
and aircraft simulators currently operational.
        Due to the success of the Simnet concept for training and
concepts prototyping, many countries worldwide, as well as the US are
either investigating or in the process of implementing full scale
networked vehicle simulators. 

Implications to the VR community
        The result is that many companies are scrambling to design
Computer Image Generators that can be produced on a large scale, thereby
bringing the costs of these systems into affordable ranges for VR
laboratories (around $250k, give or take). And these CIG's are equipped
with features, not available on general purpose systems.
        CIG's often are equipped with multiple channels. So instead of
utilizing two Silicon Graphics workstations per user (one for each eye,
as in VPL's system), one system can provide views for both eyes, or even
multiple participants. For example, Silicon Graphics' new Skywriter
provides 2 channels at resolutions greater then 512 lines, while BBN's
GT102 can provide 16 channels (though at lower, Eyephone resolutions). 
        Also, most CIG's are frame driven, as opposed to the
run-to-complete processing of typical general purpose systems.
Regardless of the scene complexity, a new image will be provided every
15th of a second (or whatever time slice chosen for the application).
This eliminates the disorienting, "clunky" feel associated with images
that are produced on "run-to-complete" systems. Of course if the image
wasn't completely done being generated by the time the frame reset came
around, an incomplete image was presented. This is deemed an acceptable
degradation in systems that process front to back, thereby ensuring that
foreground objects take priority.
        Also of benefit are the now emerging standards. Database
standards allow database's to be shared and hosted on other hardware
platforms. And networking standards are being established so that anyone
can "plug-n-play" into existing networks of simulators.
        Current spec's for future networked simulations are pushing the
polygon count and resolutions to new heights in the low cost simulation
market. And texturing requirements are specifying that there be no
performance degradation when using textured polygons. (May there be a
texture for every polygon, and a chicken in every garage..).
        So in short, if you are considering buying or building a VR
system, depending upon your application, a Computer Image Generator
could quite possibly be the best choice. Afterall, why use 2
workstations for one user when for a very similar cost, one CIG and it's
advantages could drive 4 users equipped with Eyephones? 
        And finally, if you are interested in learning more about CIG's,
the following companies and systems can provide a starting point. Evans
and Sutherland's ESig 3000, GE's PT2000, Star Technologies Graphicon
2000, Silicon Graphics SkyWriter, Paragon, Ivex, BBN Advanced
Simulation's GT100, and others.

        The above is from memory, so I apologize for any errors, Mea

-- Jayson

Jayson Raymond

BBN Advanced Simulation
14100 SE 36th St. 
Bellevue, Wa. 98007

galt@es.com (Greg Alt - Perp) (06/26/91)

In article <1991Jun25.154814.27460@milton.u.washington.edu>, jraymond@BBN.COM 
(Jayson Raymond) writes:

|>         CIG's often are equipped with multiple channels. So instead of
|> utilizing two Silicon Graphics workstations per user (one for each eye,
|> as in VPL's system), one system can provide views for both eyes, or even
|> multiple participants. For example, Silicon Graphics' new Skywriter
|> provides 2 channels at resolutions greater then 512 lines, while BBN's
|> GT102 can provide 16 channels (though at lower, Eyephone resolutions). 

Just thought I'd mention that Evans & Sutherland's ESV can generate stereo
images even on the lower end systems.  The high end (~$90k) can do over
100,000 (10x10 pixel) shaded polygons/second, as well as over 1,000,000 
(4 pixel) vectors/second.  The low end (~$30k) can do around 20,000 polygons/sec

People keep quoting prices for machines > $200,000, but I would think that 
for around $50,000 you could get a high-quality VR system using an ESV, a
data-glove, and eyephones.  The graphics programming would be done using 

A while back, someone from Florida (Univ. of Florida?) said that they were
using an ESV for VR.  


I'm not an official spokesperson for anyone, so it's not my fault.