[sci.virtual-worlds] Schools with strong research on VR

antonio@sirius.ctr.columbia.edu (Antonio Ortega) (06/27/91)

Hi there

I'm posting this for a friend. He has access to e-mail and several newsgroups,
but not this one. He's planning to start work towards a Ph.D. next year in
the U.S. and he's very interested in VR. Could you e-mail him (or me, I will
forward) a list of those schools you consider to be more active in the field.
Thank you for your help,


send e-mail to: ara@dit.upm.es (Antonio Rodriguez Agea)

Antonio Ortega                                  antonio@ctr.columbia.edu
Depart. of Electrical Engineering
Center for Telecommunications Research
Columbia University
New York, NY

hlab@milton.u.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (06/27/91)

        I'm certainly not an authority on academic programs generally,
but my impression from running this newsgroup is that schools "strong in
VR" are few and far between.  Moreover, there is not necessarily a correla-
tion between strength in this field and Ph.D. offerings; people working in
VR tend to be mighty eclectic, ranging the gamut from Ph.D.'s to people who
learned electronics at the workbench.  Similarly, schools in the arts and
media may have programs just as intriguing as those in engineering/computer
science, etc.  However, here are a few of the schools with more or less
formal programs in VR (though not necessarily Ph.D. or other terminal

        University of North Carolina (USA)
        University of Washington (HIT Lab) (USA)
        MIT (Media Lab and Robotics Lab) (USA)
        University of Alberta (Canada)
        University of British Columbia (Canada)
        University of Central Florida (USA)
        Syracuse University (USA)
        Linkoping University (Sweden)
        Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
        Tsukuba University (Japan)
        Tokyo University (Japan)
        Tokyo Technical University (Japan)
        University of Milan (Italy)
        California Institute of the Arts (USA)
        University of Virginia (USA)
        Stanford University (USA)
        San Francisco Art Institute (USA)
        Sussex University (USA)
        Southampton University (U.K.)

        These are not all Ph.D. programs or in any one field, obviously;
sometimes they are just one or two highly visible persons at each
institution.  I hope that other participants will contribute to this list 
and help specify schools for those interested in working in our field(s).

Bob Jacobson