[sci.virtual-worlds] Two conferences: Bellcore Info Filtering Workshop, Visualization 91

hlab@milton.u.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (06/27/91)

From: shoshi@shalva.bellcore.com
Subject: CFP (Call for Papers): Bellcore Workshop on Information Filtering
Date: 26 Jun 91 10:22:43 GMT
Message-ID: <508@salt.bellcore.com>
Organization: Bellcore MRE
Approved: cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu
Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds

(Reposted from comp.infosystems:)

                    Call for Papers

                   Bellcore Workshop 
           High-Performance Information Filtering:
         Foundations, Architectures, and Applications

                   November 13-15, 1991*
                  Morristown, New Jersey

Information filtering can be viewed both as a way to control the
flood of information that is received by an end-user and as a way
to target the information that is sent by information providers.
The information carrier, that provides the appropriate connectivity 
between the information providers, the filter and the end-user, 
plays a major role in providing a cost effective architecture which
also ensures end-user privacy.  The aim of the workshop is to examine 
issues that can advance the state-of-the-art in filter construction,
usage, and evaluation, for various information domains, such as
news, entertainment, advertizing, and community information.
We focus on creative approaches that take into consideration
constraints imposed by realistic application contexts.

Topics include but are not limited to:

Taxonomy of information domains and their dynamics
Information retrieval and indexing systems 
Information delivery architectures 
Cognitive models of end-user's interests and preferences 
Cognitive models for multimedia information processing
Adaptive filtering agents and distributed filters 
Filter performance evaluation

The workshop is by invitation only. Please submit a 5-10 page paper
(hardcopy only), summarizing the work you would like to present, or
a one page description of charging issues and how they relate to this 
workshop.  Demonstrations of existing prototypes are welcome.
Proceedings will be available at the workshop.

Workshop Chair: 
Shoshana Hardt-Kornacki (Bellcore)
Workshop Program Committee:
Bob Allen (Bellcore) 
Nick Belkin (Rutgers University)
Louis Gomez (Bellcore)
Tom Landauer (Bellcore)
Bill Mansfield (Bellcore)

Submissions should be sent to:
Shoshana Hardt-Kornacki
Bell Communications Research
445 South Street,
Morristown NJ, 07962.
(201) 829-4528, shoshi@bellcore.com

Submissions due: July 15, 1991.
Invitations sent: August 15, 1991.
Workshop date: November 13-15, 1991.

* The date of the workshop has been revised to avoid conflicts with related
ACM and IEEE sponsored meetings.


From: grinstei@hal.ulowell.edu (Georges Grinstein)
Subject: Visualization'91 - Call For Participation
Date: 27 Jun 91 02:57:11 GMT
Message-ID: <1991Jun27.025711.12819@ulowell.ulowell.edu>
Organization: University of Lowell Computer Science, Lowell MA
Approved: cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu
Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds

(Reposted from comp.graphics.visualization:)

                        Advance Announcement

                          VISUALIZATION '91

Sponsored by  IEEE Computer Society,  Technical Committee on Computer Graphics
October 22-25, 1991 *The Marriott Mission Valley* San Diego, California
This second conference will continue to explore how visualization is being used
to extract knowledge from data.  The conference is concerned with all aspects
of visualization, with a focus on interdisciplinary techniques.  The conference
will allow a dialogue to occur between the developers of visualization methods
and visualization users across the full spectrum of science, engineering and

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Larry Smarr, National Center for Supercomputer Applications

KEYNOTE PANELS: Edwin H. Land Perception Panel "From Perception to
                NSF-DARPA Science and Technology Center: Computer Graphics and 
                Scientific Visualization


Papers will be presented in the following areas:
        Volume Visualization - environments and techniques
        Hardware Implications on Visualization
        Tools for Visualization
        Multivariate Visualization
        Vector Field Visualization
        Visualization Methods
        Applications of Visualization to 
                Scientific, Engineering and Business Problems


        Color versus Black-and-White in Visualization
        Haim Levkowitz, University of Lowell

        Applying 3D Visualization Techniques to Finite Element Analysis
        Richard Gallagher, Swanson Analysis Systems

        Remote Visualization
        Guru Parulkar, Washington University

        Multimedia Environments for Science
        Meera Blattner, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

        Visualization: the need for a variety of packages and solutions
        David Prawel, Precision Visuals

        Volume Visualization Methods and Applications
        Laura Scorpiniti, Vital Images


        Introduction to Volume Visualization
        Arie Kaufman, et. al., State University of New York at Stony Brook

        Introduction to Visual Programming Environments
        Ephraim Glinert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

        Image Processing Techniques in Visualization
        Ardeshir Goshtasby, University of Illinois at Chicago

        Visualizing Multi-Dimensional Geometry with Applications to 
        Multi-Variate Problems
        Alfred Inselberg, IBM Scientific Center and UCLA

        Introduction to Issues in Computer Animation and 
        Physically-based Modeling
        James Hahn, The George Washington University

        Color Theory and Models
        Haim Levkowitz, University of Lowell

        Multimedia and Multimodal User Interface Design
        Meera Blatner, UC Davis and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

        Real-Time Multidimensional Visualization on Personal Computers
        Quentin E. Dolecek, The Johns Hopkins University

        High-End Visualization on Low-End Workstations
        Steve M. Legensky, Intelligent Light

        Visualization Tools for Semi-Conductor Modelling Software
        Duncan Stevenson, Centre for Spatial Information

        Distributed Visualization Using Workstations, Supercomputers and High
        Speed Network Protocols
        David W. Robertson, Van L. Jacobson, William E. Johnston,
        Stewart C. Loken, Edward H. Theil, Brian L. Tierney, 
        University of California Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

        Experiments with Interdisciplinary Projects and Scientific
        Visualization Applications at the Undergraduate Level
        Nan C. Schaller, Rochester Institute of Technology

        Visualization in Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Case Study
        Robert Haimes and Dave Darmofal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

        Designing a Distributed Scientific Visualization Tool
        Lisa Vander Sluis, Technology Applications, Inc.

        Visualizing Chemical Kinetics in Fractal Domains,
        Neal E. Hurlburt, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratories
        Lola W. Anacker, NASA Ames Research Center
        Roaul Kopleman, University of Michigan


        Scientific Visualization Environments:
        David M. Butler, Sandia National Laboratories
        Charles D. Hansen, Los Alamos National Laboratory

        Visual representation of complex, multi-variate, multi-parameter systems
        Jeff Beddow, Microsimulations Research, Inc.

        Volume Rendering of Microscopic Data
        Vincent Argiro, Vital Images

        Quantum Visualization
        Mick Savage, Molecular Simulations Inc.
        (Jointly sponsored with the Molecular Graphics Society)

        Russell Athay, Biosym
        Bruce Brown, Oracle

        Georges Grinstein, University of Lowell
        Arie Kaufman, SUNY ay Stony Brook

        Gregory M. Nielson, Arizona State University
        Larry Rosenblum, Naval Research Laboratory

        R. Daniel Bergeron, University of New Hampshire
        Nahum D. Gershon, The MITRE Corporation

        Gary Laguna, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
        Hikmet Senay, George Washington University

        Paul Hazen, Johns Hopkins University
        Jeffrey Posdamer, AT&T Bell Laboratories

        Jerome Cox, Washington University
        Susan Stearman, Digital Equipment Corporation

        Art Olson, Research Institute of Scripps Clinic
        Lloyd Treinish, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Local Arrangements
        William Feeney, University of California San Diego
        Virginia Hettrick, Unversity of Californis Los Angeles

        Carol Hunter, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

        Don Vickers, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

        Jeff Beddow, Microsimulations Inc.
        Michael M. Danchak, The Hartford Graduate Center
        Kay Howell, Naval Research Laboratory

        Eric Grosse, AT&T Bell Laboratories
        Haim Levkowitz, University of Lowell

Dr. Georges Grinstein - Institute for Visualization and Perception Research
University of Lowell                                    Lowell, MA 01854
Internet: grinstein@cs.ulowell.edu                      Phone: (508) 934-3627 
UUCP: {(backbones),harvard,mit-eddie,et al}!ulowell!cs.ulowell.edu!grinstein
