[sci.virtual-worlds] A humorous thought

parten@helios.ece.arizona.edu (Kurt Parten) (06/28/91)

Bob, you might want to post this humorous thought:

In article <1991Jun24.154242.16109@milton.u.washington.edu>, esz001@cck.coventry
.ac.uk (Will Overington) writes:

|> A recent item in the group has prompted me to voice out loud a
|> matter that has puzzled me for some time.
|> The group is called sci.virtual-worlds
|>                                 ^^^^^^
|> and yet various people, including me, keep talking of virtual reality.
|>                                                               ^^^^^^^

>From a practical standpoint, it is less confusing to talk about VR's
than VW's.  We might end up cross-posting to rec.auto.german or something.

Kurt Parten
Undergraduate @ University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona