[sci.virtual-worlds] Display Technology

pjm@bbn.com (Paul J. Metzger) (06/28/91)

        Does anyone have any information/experience/advice concerning display 
technologies other than CRT-based monitors?  A bit of background information
as to why I ask ... our division builds Computer Image Generators (CIGs)
which have generally been integrated into tactical team trainers for the
military (both US and other).  The SIMNET (SIMulator NETwork) system was
a DARPA funded program which was built by BBN (some of you sci.virtual-worlds
folks probably read this in Jayson's posting) currently used for M1 Abrams
and M2 Bradley tank training by the US Army which you may have heard of, or
seen reports on during the Gulf War.  Anyway, most of our systems have never
had a need for driving anything other than a CRT.  We're currently investigat-
ing alternative display systems, and wondered what experiences other folks
have had.  Our CIGs are typically used at a 15Hz frame rate (running in real
time) and certain applications have space limitations (everything must be
mounted in a "trailer-size" container).  Specifically, info on the following
would be appreciated:

        * projected displays (either front or rear projection systems)
        * helmet mounted (or non-helmet mounted) "virtual reality" displays
        * any other options besides CRTs

As some goals to shoot for, here's the wish list:
        * user needs periferal vision (typically 120-180 degree field of view)
        * must be able to scan the "world" in any elevation and azimuth
          (in other words, head tracking will be required, but there probably
          will be no immediate need for eye tracking)
        * the higher the resolution, the better
        * device must be easy/quick to calibrate, if necessary
        * must be relatively light weight, if worn by the user

How's that for a wish list?  Also to note is that we're primarily interested
in systems available on the market today, but info on systems under development
which are soon to be released would be appreciated as well.

Please respond either via email or to sci.virtual-worlds.  Thanks, and I
look forward to seeing what's out there (I'll post a summary if the majority
of responses are via email).

Paul J. Metzger
BBN Advanced Simulation
Cambridge, MA  02138
(617) 873-4662