[news.software.nn] Seeing only groups with auto-selected articles?

storm@texas.dk (Kim F. Storm) (02/04/90)

wsinkees@lso.win.tue.nl (Kees Huizing) writes:

>Is there a way to see the groups where articles have been auto-selected at
>the beginning of an nn session ?  Or, even better, can you read only the 
>groups in which articles are auto-selected?

No, nn performs the auto-selection on a per-group basis immediately
before it is going to present that group to the user.  Consenquently,
it does not know which groups have auto-selected articles in them in advance.

On the other hand, automatically skipping groups without auto-selected
articles in them would be possible (future feature), but how should
this work "logically"?  

>.... But I have more groups like this and it is awkward to
>skip/read through all of them to see whether there are selected articles.
>Hence, my question above.  

That is not necessary.  When you are presented with the first menu
page of the group, just hit "X".  That will start reading of the
(auto-)selected articles immediately, and skip all non-selected articles.
When you have read the (auto-)selected articles, nn will mark the
group as read, and continue with the next group.  If no articles were
auto-selected, "X" will simply mark the group as read and continue
with the next group.

>A related question is whether there is a way to rearrange the presentation
>sequence *while reading*.  I know, ^Z vi ~/.nn/rc etc. works, ...

No.  And the "method" you indicate will not work either; the order of
groups is not dependent on the rc file, only the "sequence" in the
init file.  And the init file is only read on start-up, so you can't
even suspend nn, edit init, and then continue.  However, this is one
of the planned features of 6.4.

Kim F. Storm        storm@texas.dk        Tel +45 429 174 00
Texas Instruments, Marielundvej 46E, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
	  No news is good news, but nn is better!