[clari.canada.general] SouthAfrica:

clarinews@clarinet.com (hewitt/standard broadcast news ottawa) (02/03/90)

	(Updating Canbriefs-6)
	(OTTAWA) Very pleased. That's Ottawa's initial reaction to the
developments in South Africa.
	A spokesman for External Affairs says this is ``very, very good
news''. Mark Entwistle adds that Ottawa agrees with Archbishop Desmond
Tutu's comment that this is ``an historic step in the right direction''.
	South African President F.W. de Klerk has announced black activist
Nelson Mandela will be released soon. And de Klerk has lifted all
restrictions on political organizations. But de Klerk has not lifted the
state of emergency regulations.
	Entwistle says Ottawa believes these developments are proof that
the Canadian government's fight against apartheid, including imposing
sanctions, has paid off.
	External Affairs Minister Joe Clark is in Calgary today and may
comment from there after reading the speech.
	Prime Minister Brian Mulroney is in Montreal where he can be
expected to react.