[clari.biz.finance.earnings] Chemical earnings off, BankAmerica profits up

clarinews@clarinet.com (01/19/90)

	NEW YORK (UPI) -- Chemical Banking Corp. Thursday reported earnings
of $95.9 million, or $1.04 a share, in the fourth quarter, off 67
percent from year-ago quarterly earnings of $288.5 million,or $4.66 a
share, reflecting heavy Third World loan-related chargeoffs and
	San Francisco-based BankAmerica Corp., meanwhile, said it had
quarterly earnings of $270 million, or $1.21 a share, up from $265
million or $1.36 a share in the year-ago quarter. It had record annual
profits of $1.10 billion for a 52 percent gain over 1988 earnings of
$726 million.
	The Bank of New York Co. Inc. said its fourth-quarter earnings rose
to $106.6 million, or $1.43 a share, against earnings in the year-ago
quarter of $54.7 million, or $1.10 a share. As with Chemical, annual
profits plunged due to stiff increases in Third World loan loss
_C_h_e_m_i_c_a_l_ _B_a_n_k_i_n_g
	Chemical reported a loss for 1989 of $482.2 million, due mainly to
its third-quarter addition of $600 million to Third World loan loss
reserves and a $300 million special provision to cover real estate
credit losses at its Texas Commerce Bankshares Inc. subsidiary.. In 1988
the corporation earned $753.6 million or $12.02 a share.
	Annual earnings also were hit by lower net interest income, trading
profits and other declines. But trust and corporate finances fees were
up, and record foreign exchange trading profits were seen.
	Net interest income was $513.4 for the fourth quarter, against
$750.6 million in the year-ago quarter. Annual net interest income was
$2.2 billion, compared with $2.5 billion in 1988.
	The fourth-quarter and annual interest income fall was partly due
to arrears on Brazilian interest payments, narrowing interest rate
margins, and loss of interest income after the securitization of loan
	Interest from Mexican loans was reduced after the bank elected to
exchange its eligible outstanding loans to the country for a combination
of interest rate reduction and principal reduction bonds.
	Noninterest income from fees, commissions and trading was $362.5
million in the fourth quarter, against $340.2 million in the year-ago
quarter. For the full year noninterest income was $1.4 billion.
	New provisions for loan losses in the year totaled $1.35 billion,
including $66.2 million in the fourth quarter. In the quarter the bank
also wrote off $210.5 million in credit losses, including $80.6 million
in loans to Argentina following U.S. government instructions.
_ _B_a_n_k_A_m_e_r_i_c_a
	BankAmerica Chairman A.W. Clausen said record yearly earnings made
for an ``excellent finish to a turbulent decade.'' He attributed gains
to improved credit quality, increased loans and deposits, growing fee
revenue and greater control over the bank's operating expenses.
	Clausen also noted strong growth in domestic consumer loans and
residential mortgage loans. Also, the bank trimmed its portfolio of
loans to the developing world by $1.4 billion in the year while
increasing its reserves against Third World losses to 47 percent of
	In 1989 BankAmerica expanded into Nevada through its newly acquired
subsidiary, Bank of America Nevada, while its Seafirst Corp. unit added
12 new branches in Washington State's Pierce County, Clausen said.
	BankAmerica had net interest income of $1.02 billion for the fourth
quarter, down from $1.27 billion in the year-ago quarter, reflecting
Brazilian failure to pay interest on its loans in the fourth quarter.
	Noninterest income from fees, commissions and trading was $479
million in the quarter, against $480 million in the year-ago quarter.
	Loan loss reserves stood at $3.37 billion, including $2.4 billion
for Third World credit risks. BankAmerica's portfolio of such long- and
medium-term loans totaled $5.7 billion at year end.
	BankAmerica said it has elected, within the Mexican debt reduction
plan, to convert $1.1 billion of outstanding debt into interest-rate
reduction bonds and issue $100 million in new loans over three years.
	BankAmerica's total assets at year end were $98.8 billion, compared
with $94.6 billion at the end of 1988.
_ _B_a_n_k_ _o_f_ _N_e_w_ _Y_o_r_k
	The Bank of New York reported full-year earnings of $50.7 million,
or 27 cents a share, down 76 percent from 1988 profits of $213 million,
or $5.21 a share. The decline mainly stemmed from a $600 million
addition in the third quarter to reserves against losses on loans to
developing nations.
	Bank of New York Chairman J. Carter Bacot said the last quarter's
``favorable results were due primarily to increased net interest income
and substantial continuing cost savings arising from our merger'' with
Irving Bank & Trust Co., completed in the third quarter of 1989.
	Bank of New York said it sold $634 million of medium-term Third
World credit to the secondary market in the quarter just ended, charging
off $401.7 million in the process. This brought its portfolio of
developing-country loans to $840 million against $1.47 billion at the
end of September.
	The bank said it had agreements to sell off another $61 million in
such debt, which would eliminate all remaining exposure in Colombia and
``substantially reduce'' it in Venezuela, Brazil, Chile and Ecuador.
Reserves against losses on such loans stood at $537 million, or 64
percent of exposure.