[net.space] tenth planet

KFL@MIT-MC.ARPA ("Keith F. Lynch") (12/20/85)

  I recall that the reason a ninth planet was looked for was because
one was necessary to explain perurbations in the orbits of Uranus and
Neptune.  Pluto was found.  But it appeared to be too small to expalin
the perturbations unless it had an unbelievably high density or unless
the disk we were seeing was not the whole planet but just a bright
spot, a reflection of the Sun on the shiny sphere.
  A few years ago, a moon on Pluto was discovered.  Study of its orbit
has proven that Pluto is small, that we have seen the whole disk,
which is not shiny, and that its density is low.
  Nobody seems to have mentioned that that puts us back in where we
were before Pluto was discovered.  What IS causing those
perturbations?  Is there a tenth planet?  Could it have gone
undiscovered for this long?
  Does anyone know what the explanation is?  Is anyone looking for
a tenth planet, or am I missing something?
  If the perturbations are still unexplained, where can I get data on
where Uranus and Neptune have been?  I would like to use such data to
try figuring out the mass and location of the tenth planet myself.


mcgeer@JI (Rick McGeer) (12/20/85)

	As I recall, the existence of a 10th planet is pretty much taken
for granted in the astronomical community.  But it's unlikely we're going to
find it, for two reasons:

(1) It will be dim.  Isn't it true that Pluto has a very high albedo?  Assuming
that the 10th planet is a gas giant, it will have a much lower albedo than
Pluto and will also be further away from the Sun -- hence much dimmer than
Pluto, and Pluto is something like 10th magnitude anyway.

(2) It will have a very low angular velocity, so much that it will be extremely
difficult to pick out from among the fixed stars.  Assume Bode's Law holds
(I know, most people think it's an interesting bit of numerology, nothing more.
But it's the only assumption I have, and, anyway, you can make a quasi-case
for it by talking about the distribution of particles in the gas cloud that
became the solar system).  Anyway, under that assumption, planet X is at 77.2
AU, way out in the boonies.  By Kepler's Harmonic law, that makes its period
77.2^3/2, or:
678 years, which works out to an angular velocity of about 32 minutes of arc
(about half a degree) per year.  Pluto, by contrast, has about a degree and a
half of arc per year, or about three times as much -- and it took years of
Tombaugh's time on a flicker machine to spot Pluto.

There's one other objection, too -- previous planet hunts took place in and
about the ecliptic, in a pretty narrow band of sky.  I've heard speculation
that eccentricity increases with distance from the sun, so you'd have to search
a wider sky band, too.

					-- Rick.

Lynn.es@XEROX.ARPA (12/24/85)

Soon after Tombaugh found Pluto, it was fairly evident to him that he
had not found the perturbation cause.  During the 30's and 40's he
completed a photographic survey of a wide band about the ecliptic
without finding anything.  So either the wandering ways of Uranus and
Neptune are 1) errors in measurement, 2) caused by another effect (dust
disks, Oort cloud, whatever), 3) caused by a planet that was very far
from the ecliptic when Tombaugh photographed, or 4) caused by a planet
too dim to show up in Tombaugh's survey.  Pluto runs about magnitude 13
to 14, and if I remember right, Tombaugh's survey should have found
anything brighter than 16 or so.  You can check the details by reading
Tombaugh's recent book, titled something like "Out of the Darkness".

I have heard of a few astronomers (Charles Kowal at Palomar is the only
name I can remember right now) interested in the tenth planet, but no
results.  It seems the data are inconsistent, so they have to decide
whose observations to consider too unreliable to use.  Also, the effect
is only a little larger than the expected errors of measurement.  

One idea is to look for the planet in the IRAS satellite IR sky survey.
It is said to be far more sensitive to a planet-type object than
Tombaugh's survey.  All you have to do is weed out the several hundred
thousand objects found by IRAS that are not planets!  Even among moving
objects in the IRAS data, thousands of asteroids clutter up the search.
There are also some pessimists that claim we will eventually find the
tenth planet in the 1% of the sky that IRAS missed photographing.

/Don Lynn

Dave-Platt%LADC@CISL-SERVICE-MULTICS.ARPA (Dave Platt) (12/27/85)

Well, I'm working strictly from memory... but here's what I recall about
some work done on the "tenth planet" problem in the past few years...

About five years back (I think), someone did a fairly extensive analysis
of the orbits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, using the best-available
estimates on the masses of these planets.  The results indicated that
there might be a tenth planet located roughly twice as far from the sun
as Pluto is, on the average;  its mass was estimated to be approx.
10 Earth-masses, and its current position was far outside of the
orbital plane of the known planets (I don't recall the figure for
certain, but I'm pretty sure it was at least 40 degrees and may have
been as much as 60 degrees).  The researcher who announced the results
of the calculations claimed to have narrowed the probable location
of the "new" planet down to a fairly small portion of the sky (10
degrees square?).

As I remember it, several observatories did an extensive
blink-comparison scan of that portion of the sky, comparing some old
file negatives with current photos... and didn't find anything.

So... several possibilities come to mind.

1- There is something in that portion of the sky, but it's too dim
   to be seen with standard optical instruments... possibly a planet
   with an *extremely* low albedo (would have to be *very* low for
   a planet with a ten-earth mass to be invisible), a black hole (where
   are the gammas?), or something small/massive/dim at a greater
   distance than was calculated (an old neutron star, or a very cold
   burnt-out dwarf star?).

2- There's nothing in that portion of the sky... the orbits of the
   outer planets are indeed being perturbed, but there's not a single
   object doing the perturbing;  instead, we're seeing the net effect
   of a large number of smaller objects, whose vector sum happens to
   point in the direction indicated by the orbital calculations.
   Perhaps there's a lot of old, cold matter (comet precursors?)
   floating around outside the orbit of Pluto;  the Oort cloud (or
   something related to it) may come in a lot closer than we had
   thought, or be much denser than previous calculations had

3- Something else is going on.  Possibly there's some exotic thingie
   floating around not far from our solar system... a cosmic "string",
   a dense clump of photinos or axons (sp?), or some other strange
   form of "dark matter".  Cosmologists are still trying to figure out
   how much dark matter exists in our galaxy (and in the universe), and
   what forms that dark matter takes... neutrinos with a nonzero mass,
   supersymmetric particle partners, etc. etc. and so on.  Possibly
   this dark matter occasionally forms into clumps, sufficiently
   coherent and massive to tweak the orbits of the outer gas giants in
   our solar system, but sufficiently isolated to be invisible (except
   by its gravitational interaction with our system).  Maybe the "shadow
   world" is actually out there!

Take your pick.  The jury is still out, of course... we can't yet say
that there is no tenth planet, only that we haven't unambiguously
detected the presence of one.  I rather like the third alternative;  if
it's true, it would once again bring home the realization that the
universe is stranger than we have yet imagined.

msb@lsuc.UUCP (Mark Brader) (12/29/85)

Rick McGeer (mcgeer@JI) writes:

> It will have a very low angular velocity, so much that it will be extremely
> difficult to pick out from among the fixed stars.  Assume Bode's Law holds
> (...it's the only assumption I have...) ... its period [will be about]
> 678 years, which works out to an angular velocity of about 32 minutes of arc
> (about half a degree) per year.  Pluto, by contrast, has about a degree and a
> half of arc per year, or about three times as much -- and it took years of
> Tombaugh's time on a flicker machine to spot Pluto.

Like Don Lynn, whose article did a nice job of answering all the other
points that have been raised, I reference the book "Out of the Darkness",
written in 1978 by Clyde Tombaugh and (for the historical matter) Patrick
Moore.  The truth is that it took only a few months for Pluto to be
detected on the Blink-Comparator.

The computation of 32 minutes of arc per year is irrelevant.  The trick is
to use the motion of the Earth: instead of detecting the planet's orbital
motion, you detect its parallax, which is much larger.

For simplicity assume a direct circular orbit coplanar with ours, with 81 AU
radius.  Then at opposition, Sun, Earth, and planet will be in a straight
line, and the Earth-planet distance will be 80 AU.  Figure the Earth's
orbital angular velocity around the sun as 1 degree per day.  Then Earth
will be moving with respect to the planet at 1/80 degree per day, or 3/4
minute of arc per day.  Note, PER DAY.  The planet's net apparent motion
will be the difference of this and its much smaller orbital motion.

What Tombaugh did, under the direction* of Slipher and Slipher of the
Lowell Observatory, was to photograph the sections of the sky that were
near to being directly opposite the sun, and to compare (with the Blink-
Comparator) pictures taken, usually, 2 days apart.  In the case of the
actual discovery the pictures were taken 6 days apart because of weather
or something, and the two blinking images of Pluto were far enough apart that
he had to search (briefly) to find the second one after finding the first.

So it should be clear that the slow motion is no obstacle to a Blink-
Comparator search.  Even if it was, the searcher could simply use plates
with a long time interval between them.  The dimness, of course, is another
matter.  Tombaugh said that he could have detected an object 2-3 magnitudes
fainter than Pluto, but his eyesight was apparently exceptional.

*Tombaugh had no university education at the time -- he was hired
 as an assistant because he was felt to have potential.  Correctly!

Mark Brader

Usenet readers will see this in net.astro, the proper group by their
standards, and net.space.  The three earlier articles are in net.space
alone, because they originated from the ARPA side, and there's no ARPA
gateway to net.astro.

mink@cfa.UUCP (Doug Mink) (12/30/85)


As someone with a professional interest in the positions of the outer
planets (I predict occultations), I have followed recent searches for a
tenth planet with great interest.  In fact, positions of Uranus obtained
from observations of occultations of stars by its rings (star-planet to
about a milliarcsecond) have helped narrow down the search region for
the supposed Planet X.  Unhappily, the best solar system ephemeris I
have available, JPL's DE-125, produced for the Voyage Uranus encounter
(see there IS a net.space connection), still fails to match Neptune's
observed position.  As I've been trying to predict occultations by
Neptune's satellite, Triton, so its size can be determined before
Voyager encounters Neptune in 1989, I need Neptune positions better than
any current solar system models can produce.  If Planet X is found, I
hope it cleans up the orbits of the outer planets.

A sidelight on Pluto's discovery:  A few years ago a friend of mine with
an intimate knowledge of the Harvard College Observatory photographic
plate stacks enlisted me in a quest for prediscovery Pluto positions.
He checked plates from 1870 to 1910 because no positions in that period
had been published despite numerous plates of the proper part of the
sky.  It turns out that Pluto was fainter than the plates exposed for
the average patrol exposure duration could detect until 1920 or so, though
a couple of long exposure plates after 1910 showed it.  Since Pluto is so
faint that it could only be detected photographically, it's no surprise
that Percival Lowell didn't find it and that discovery took until 1931.

			-Doug Mink
			 Center for Astrophysics
			 60 Garden St.
			 Cambridge, MA 02138

wildstar@nmtvax.UUCP (01/02/86)

Andrew Jonathan FineOrganization: New Mexico Tech, Socorro

     Perhaps the "tenth planet" is not actually a planet, but perhaps a weak
stellar companion to Sol, already known as "Nemesis".

franka@mmintl.UUCP (Frank Adams) (01/03/86)

I have for some time suspected that there are a fair number of sub-stellar
objects in the galaxy, which are not associated with any star system.
I have seen estimates that a mass of .07 times that of the sun is the
minimum required to ignite fusion.  Proxima Centauri seems to be near this
lower limit.  Although there may be a lower limit to the size of the objects
produced by the processes which produce stars, it seems unlikely that this
point coincides with the ignition point.

How many such objects are there likely to be?  For stars, there is a clear
relationship between size and frequency: the smaller the size, the more
stars there are at that scale.  There is no reason to believe this does not
hold down to near the lower limit for the process.  Thus if objects
appreciably smaller than .07 solar mass can be created in this way, one
expects them to considerably outnumber the stars.  There is reason to think
that objects as small as .0001 solar mass are possible, since this is the
approximate size of the outer giant planets (Uranus and Neptune), which
seem to have been formed in a similar fashion (although as part of the
formation of the sun, not as independent events).

The question is, could such objects be responsible for the observed
perturbations of the orbits of the outer planets?  A quick calculation
reveals that an object of .05 solar mass would have to be at a distance
of about 300 AU to produce an effect comparable to a giant planet at
Pluto's orbit.  This is still only 1/2000 of a light year; it doesn't
seem likely that there could be enough objects of this size that one
would expect an object this close, but we could be dealing with an
unusually close approach.

The other possibility is that objects on the order of .0001 solar mass
are freqent enough that one would expect the nearest to be no more than
100 AU or so away.  I don't have access to a size/frequency comparison
for stars, so I don't know how reasonable such a frequency is.  This
would still, I think, be low enough that one would not expect an
observably close encounter of such an object with the sun in the time
in which we have been making observations.  The uniformity of the orbits
of most of the planets puts an upper limit on the frequency of such
encounters; however I suspect that the strangeness of Pluto's orbit
can be explained as the result of such an encounter.  (Perhaps also
Uranus's rotational tilt?  I don't know how likely it would be for a
close encounter to change the rotational axis while leaving the orbit
roughly circular.)

Disclaimer: I have no professional training in Astronomy, and have not
attempted to really rigorously work out the consequences of this hypothesis.

Frank Adams                           ihpn4!philabs!pwa-b!mmintl!franka
Multimate International    52 Oakland Ave North    E. Hartford, CT 06108

henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) (01/03/86)

>      Perhaps the "tenth planet" is not actually a planet, but perhaps a weak
> stellar companion to Sol, already known as "Nemesis".

Alas, Nemesis has met its fate :-).

(Quick digression:  the theory alluded to here is the notion that periodic
extinctions are caused by near approaches of a companion star, which is in a
*very* long-period orbit [30MY or so], stirring up the Oort cloud and causing
a rain of comets into the inner Solar System.)

The problem with making the Sun a binary star is that Nemesis has to be a
godawful long way out to have such a long orbital period, and it appears
that such an orbit simply is not very stable over geological time scales.
It is not consistent with extinctions at clockwork-regular intervals, at
the very least.
				Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology

werner@aecom.UUCP (01/04/86)

> Andrew Jonathan FineOrganization: New Mexico Tech, Socorro
> Keywords: 
>      Perhaps the "tenth planet" is not actually a planet, but perhaps a weak
> stellar companion to Sol, already known as "Nemesis".

	Named (or so claimed by the author of the paper) such because if such
a companion is not found, the publication will prove to be HIS nemesis.


				Craig Werner
      "Illness strips away superficiality to reveal reality in etched detail."

friesen@psivax.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) (01/06/86)

In article <971@mmintl.UUCP> franka@mmintl.UUCP (Frank Adams) writes:
>I have for some time suspected that there are a fair number of sub-stellar
>objects in the galaxy, which are not associated with any star system.
>....  Although there may be a lower limit to the size of the objects
>produced by the processes which produce stars, it seems unlikely that this
>point coincides with the ignition point.
>How many such objects are there likely to be?  For stars, there is a clear
>relationship between size and frequency: the smaller the size, the more
>stars there are at that scale.  There is no reason to believe this does not
>hold down to near the lower limit for the process.  Thus if objects
>appreciably smaller than .07 solar mass can be created in this way, one
>expects them to considerably outnumber the stars.  There is reason to think
>that objects as small as .0001 solar mass are possible, since this is the
>approximate size of the outer giant planets (Uranus and Neptune), which
>seem to have been formed in a similar fashion (although as part of the
>formation of the sun, not as independent events).
	As far as I know the mode of formation of the outer planets is
*very* close to that for stars. In fact a number of simulations
suggest that a very small change in initial conditions would have left
a small (type M or K) star where the Jovian planets are now. Given the
large number of binary(and larger) star systems, this seems quite
reasonable. Thus I see no reason at all why Uranus sized object could
not form independently also. Actually, I would expect the distribution
of sizes to peak at some point and taper off, thus the smallest
objects would likely be quite rare. But this would still leave quite a
few Jupiter/Saturn sized objects running around.

				Sarima (Stanley Friesen)

UUCP: {ttidca|ihnp4|sdcrdcf|quad1|nrcvax|bellcore|logico}!psivax!friesen
ARPA: ttidca!psivax!friesen@rand-unix.arpa

friesen@psivax.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) (01/06/86)

In article <6258@utzoo.UUCP> henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) writes:
>Alas, Nemesis has met its fate :-).
>(Quick digression:  the theory alluded to here is the notion that periodic
>extinctions are caused by near approaches of a companion star, which is in a
>*very* long-period orbit [30MY or so], stirring up the Oort cloud and causing
>a rain of comets into the inner Solar System.)
>The problem with making the Sun a binary star is that Nemesis has to be a
>godawful long way out to have such a long orbital period, and it appears
>that such an orbit simply is not very stable over geological time scales.

	Another nail in the coffin. A recent re-analysis of the
original study(a statistical analysis of extinction rates) has
strongly suggested that the periodicity (actually 26MY) is wholely an
*artifact* of the statistical methodology used, in particular the
sampling method. The later study used a Monte-Carlo simulation of
uniform random extinctions and found that the method used by the
original study *still* showed a 26MY periodicity!

				Sarima (Stanley Friesen)

UUCP: {ttidca|ihnp4|sdcrdcf|quad1|nrcvax|bellcore|logico}!psivax!friesen
ARPA: ttidca!psivax!friesen@rand-unix.arpa

jlm@uvacs.UUCP (Jerrold L. Marco) (01/07/86)

> extinctions are caused by near approaches of a companion star, which is in a
> *very* long-period orbit [30MY or so], stirring up the Oort cloud and causing
> a rain of comets into the inner Solar System.)
Question:  Wouldn't a massive rain of comets leave evidence on all the
inner planets?  My recollection is that on the moon, which has been reasonably
well charted, evidence of recent bombardment is scarce.  Can someone with
more knowledge than I comment on the corellation between the times of
mass extinctions on earth and the estimated times of comet strikes on the
moon (or on other inner planets, to the extent that such information is


jtk@mordor.UUCP (Jordan Kare) (01/08/86)

>>      Perhaps the "tenth planet" is not actually a planet, but perhaps a weak
>> stellar companion to Sol, already known as "Nemesis".
>	Named (or so claimed by the author of the paper) such because if such
>a companion is not found, the publication will prove to be HIS nemesis.

	Nemesis can't be the "tenth planet" affecting Neptune's 
orbit, as it would be too far away (and would move both Neptune 
and the rest of the solar system including the sun by the same amount).

	There is a theory that Planet X (either "ex" or
"ten" depending on how much you like Roman numerals :-) exists, and
has a peculiar orbit that precesses in such a way as to disturb
the cometary cloud and cause comet showers (and extinctions)
every thirty or so million years.  This is an alternative to the
Nemesis theory, but it doesn't work, on various (rather complicated) 
celestial mechanics grounds, leaving Nemesis as the leading hypothesis.  

	Also, "Nemesis" was not the first choice for the name
of the companion star.  Since (if it exists) it was responsible
for killing off the dinosaurs, first choice was to name it after the
most famous mythological dragon killer and call it "George".

		-- A Muller Group Nemesis Hunter

jtk@mordor.UUCP (Jordan Kare) (01/08/86)

Sorry I didn't catch this before my preceeding posting

>>      Perhaps the "tenth planet" is not actually a planet, but perhaps a weak
>> stellar companion to Sol, already known as "Nemesis".
>Alas, Nemesis has met its fate :-).
>(Quick digression:  the theory alluded to here is the notion that periodic
>extinctions are caused by near approaches of a companion star, which is in a
>*very* long-period orbit [30MY or so], stirring up the Oort cloud and causing
>a rain of comets into the inner Solar System.)
>The problem with making the Sun a binary star is that Nemesis has to be a
>godawful long way out to have such a long orbital period, and it appears
>that such an orbit simply is not very stable over geological time scales.
>It is not consistent with extinctions at clockwork-regular intervals, at
>the very least.
>				Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology
>				{allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!henry

This is not correct.  Extensive simulations (Notably by Piet Hut
of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies) have shown that
the mean lifetime of Nemesis's orbit is roughly a billion years.
The orbit is disturbed by passing stars, dust clouds, etc. but
can easily remain stable enough to explain the few data we have,
which only cover the last 250 million years (a mere moment... :-))
If Nemesis was formed with the solar system, then it probably started
in a closer orbit and has been perturbed out to its present
distance; in another couple of billion years it might be gone
(so we need to find it quick :-)).

The evidence for periodic extinctions and periodic cratering, which
the Nemesis theory was created to explain, is subject to dispute.
(The evidence for catastrophic impacts associated with extinctions
is very strong; only the periodicity is speculative).
But IF periodic extinctions do occur, the Nemesis theory DOES 
explain them, and is still the ONLY theory which does so successfully.

Despite what you may read in the New York Times editorial pages, 
Nemesis lives on....

				Jordin Kare
				Formerly of UC Berkeley/LBL Astrophysics
				Home of Nemesis and much, much more....

dsmith@HPLABSC (David Smith) (01/09/86)

> As I recall, Voyager (I or II) detected the tenth planet.  It lies
> between Saturn and Uranus, and is rather small.  It has been named
> Charon, (Roman god that paddles the boat across the River Styx, I
> think).  This planet probably doesn't account for all of the
> perturbations of Uranus and Neptune, either.

Charon is Pluto's moon, and was discovered by earth-based telescope.

But, the four probes in the outer solar system (or beyond, if being farther
out than Neptune constitutes being beyond) are of value in finding planet
X, because their positions are more precisely known than those of the
planets.  Gravitational perturbations in their paths are more detectable.
Also, they might get closer than Neptune to planet X.

			David Smith

ethan@utastro.UUCP (Ethan Vishniac) (01/10/86)

> > As I recall, Voyager (I or II) detected the tenth planet.  It lies
> > between Saturn and Uranus, and is rather small.  It has been named
> > Charon, (Roman god that paddles the boat across the River Styx, I
> > think).  This planet probably doesn't account for all of the
> > perturbations of Uranus and Neptune, either.
> Charon is Pluto's moon, and was discovered by earth-based telescope.
On the other hand, Chiron is the name of a small chunk of rock and
ice orbiting between Saturn and Uranus.  Its mass is much too small
to produce detectable perturbations in the motions of any of the
major planets.  Chiron, like the asteroids, is considered a minor

"These are not the opinions    Ethan Vishniac
 of the administration of      {charm,ut-sally,ut-ngp,noao}!utastro!ethan
 the University of Texas,      ethan@astro.UTEXAS.EDU
 but they are the opinions     Department of Astronomy
 of your favorite deity, who   University of Texas
 is in daily communication 
 with me on this (and every 
 other) topic. 

henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) (01/10/86)

> > As I recall, Voyager (I or II) detected the tenth planet.  It lies
> > between Saturn and Uranus, and is rather small.  It has been named
> > Charon, (Roman god that paddles the boat across the River Styx, I
> > think)...
> Charon is Pluto's moon, and was discovered by earth-based telescope.

He's thinking of Chiron, I think.  Charon is Pluto's moon.  Chiron is a,
well, an object, orbiting roughly between Saturn and Uranus.  It's too
small to qualify as a planet, really.  Nobody is entirely sure just what
it is, last I heard, although there is strong speculation that it may be
a sort of super-comet that got deflected into its present orbit.

I seem to recall that Chiron too was discovered from Earth.
				Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology

Lynn.es@XEROX.ARPA (01/10/86)

Slocum's recollection of Chiron being touted as a tenth planet is
correct, but his details have drifted a bit from how it happened.
First, the name was Chiron, not Charon the satellite of Pluto.  Chiron
was only briefly touted as a tenth planet, but soon became generally
regarded as an asteroid.  This judgment is based on its small size.  We
just had to learn to ignore our previous notion that asteroids should
not be located beyond Saturn.  In any case, its small size means it has
pretty negligible gravitational effects on the outer planets, so is not
the cause of the unexplained perturbations that lead us to believe there
is a Planet X.  Chiron was discovered from earth-based photographs taken
at Palomar by Charles Kowal.  I don't think it has ever been
photographed by a spacecraft.

/Don Lynn

ran@ho95e.UUCP (RANeinast) (01/13/86)

> > As I recall, Voyager (I or II) detected the tenth planet.  It lies
> > between Saturn and Uranus, and is rather small.  It has been named
> > Charon, (Roman god that paddles the boat across the River Styx, I
> > think).  This planet probably doesn't account for all of the
> > perturbations of Uranus and Neptune, either.
> Charon is Pluto's moon, and was discovered by earth-based telescope.

I believe this person is referring to Chiron.  This was an asteroidal
body found around 1978(?), and indeed has a non-typical orbit
(for an asteroid--I think the original poster is correct about the orbit).
Note that despite the orbit, it still has an asteroid-type name,
that is, Trojan War people.  Chiron was the wise centaur who tutored
Achilles, Hercules, and Asclepius [Am. Her. Dict].
I'm pretty sure Voyager had nothing to do with the discovery.

It is coincidental that Charon and Chiron were discovered and named at about the
same time.

". . . and shun the frumious Bandersnatch."
Robert Neinast (ihnp4!ho95c!ran)
AT&T-Bell Labs

wls@astrovax.UUCP (William L. Sebok) (01/19/86)

In article <6279@utzoo.UUCP> henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) writes:
>I seem to recall that Chiron too was discovered from Earth.

It was discovered by Charles Kowal of Caltech using the Palomar 48" Schmidt.
I was there at the time.  I forget the year but it was sometime in the late
Bill Sebok			Princeton University, Astrophysics