[clari.biz.finance] Foreign Exchange Rates 2-2

clarinews@clarinet.com (02/03/90)

                         _F_O_R_E_I_G_N _E_X_C_H_A_N_G_E 
        NEW YORK (UPI) -- Foreign Exchange interbank buyer rates and
foreign currency equivalents, provided by American Security Bank, Washington,
D.C. Retail transactions provide fewer units of foreign currency per
                              U.S.$         Currency
				Equivalent	Per U.S. $
                                Fri     Thu    Fri     Thu
Argntn austrl               .000513 .000541 1950.00 1850.00
Australia dlr                 .7740   .7710  1.2920  1.2970
Austria schill                .0842   .0846   11.87   11.82
Belgium frnc-c                .0284   .0285   35.15   35.06
Belgium frnc-f                .0284   .0285   35.22   35.09
Brazil cruzado               0.0556  0.0588 18.0000 17.0000
Britain pound                1.6835  1.6840  0.5940  0.5938
Britain 1-mo                 1.6749  1.6753  0.5971  0.5969
Britain 3-mo                 1.6563  1.6569  0.6038  0.6035
Britain 6-mo                 1.6318  1.6323  0.6128  0.6126
Canada dollar                 .8416   .8430  1.1882  1.1862
Canada 1-mo                   .8387   .8401  1.1923  1.1904
Canada 3-mo                   .8330   .8345  1.2005  1.1983
Canada 6-mo                   .8262   .8275  1.2104  1.2085
Chile peso-f                .003482 .003484  287.22  287.06
China yuan                    .2378   .2378  4.2050  4.2050
Colombia pes                .002287 .002290  437.34  436.73
Denmark krne                  .1538   .1543  6.5015  6.4790
Ecudr sucr-z                .001462 .001464  684.09  683.10
Egypt pound                   .3930   .3930  2.5445  2.5445
Finlnd mrkka                  .2521   .2525  3.9660  3.9610
France franc                  .1750   .1757  5.7135  5.6905
France 1-mo                   .1747   .1754  5.7234  5.7009
France 3-mo                   .1740   .1746  5.7480  5.7263
France 6-mo                   .1729   .1735  5.7853  5.7640
Greece drach                .006369 .006383  157.00  156.66
Hollnd guildr                 .5273   .5292  1.8965  1.8896
HongKong dlr                  .1280   .1280  7.8110  7.8115
India rupee                   .0592   .0592   16.89   16.90
Indo'sa rupia               .000556 .000556 1797.00 1797.00
Iran rial                     .0142   .0142   70.30   70.30
Iraq dinar                   3.2446  3.2446  0.3082  0.3082
Ireland punt                 1.5754  1.5795  0.6348  0.6331
Israel shekel                 .5236   .5236  1.9100  1.9100
Italy lira                  .000800 .000803 1250.25 1245.50
Japan yen                   .006873 .006904  145.50  144.85
Japan 1-mo                  .006882 .006913  145.31  144.67
Japan 3-mo                  .006895 .006926  145.03  144.38
Japan 6-mo                  .006914 .006945  144.64  143.99
Jordan dinar                 1.5188  1.5328  0.6584  0.6524
Kuwait dinar                 3.4638  3.4638  0.2887  0.2887
Lebanon pnd                 .001837 .001837  494.35  494.35
Mexico pes-z                .000369 .000369 2713.00 2712.00
N.Zealand dlr                 .6005   .5997  1.6653  1.6675
Norway krne                   .1541   .1542  6.4900  6.4850
Pakistn rupee                 .0472   .0472   21.19   21.18
Peru inti                   .000084 .000083 11910.0 12010.0
P'pnes peso-z                 .0457   .0457   21.87   21.87
Portugl escd                .006781 .006792  147.48  147.23
Saudi riyal                   .2668   .2668  3.7480  3.7480
Singapore dlr                 .5356   .5368  1.8670  1.8630
S.Africa rand                 .3931   .3922  2.5436  2.5495
S.Korea won                 .001472 .001473  679.56  678.97
Spain peseta                .009187 .009229  108.85  108.35
Sweden krona                  .1633   .1633  6.1250  6.1250
Switzrl franc                 .6714   .6705  1.4895  1.4915
Switzrl 1-mo                  .6707   .6697  1.4910  1.4932
Swirzrl 3-mo                  .6692   .6682  1.4943  1.4965
Switzrl 6-mo                  .6676   .6666  1.4980  1.5001
Taiwan dollar                 .0387   .0387   25.83   25.83
Turkey lira                 .000429 .000429 2331.00 2330.00
UAE dirham                    .2725   .2725  3.6700  3.6700
Urug'y peso-z               .001181 .001181  847.00  847.00
Venez bolivr-z                .0234   .0235   42.75   42.55
W.Ger Mark                    .5944   .5967  1.6825  1.6760
W.Ger 1-mo                    .5945   .5968  1.6820  1.6756
W.Ger 3-mo                    .5946   .5968  1.6819  1.6756
W.Ger 6-mo                    .5943   .5966  1.6827  1.6763
Yugosl dinar                .000009 .000009 114,800 115,400
c-Commercial; f-Financial; z-Floating; x-N.Y. money market 
Interbank Buyers Rates 
Source: American Security Bank, Washington, D.C.