CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, U.S.A., 1990 FEB 2 (NB) -- If you want the low-down on fax machines, from halftone transmission to automatic paper cutting, you can find it in a new book called "The Book of Fax." This second edition printing by Ventana Press of a book which covers just about anything you'd ever want to know about fax machines and their uses, includes new chapters on fax cards for microcomputers, cellular fax, and desktop and plain-paper fax machines, as well as a list of fax resources: vendors, directories, publications, and associations. Since the fall of '88 when the book was first introduced, fax machines have contributed to a revolution in publishing. Many newsletters, for instance, are faxed rather than delivered by mail; fax machines are ubiquitous in lobbies of major hotels; and fax-for-a-fee can be found inside some neighborhood grocery stores. "The first phase of the fax revolution is drawing to an end," explains author Daniel Fishman. "People are buying the hardware but the creative phase is only just beginning." Authors Fishman and Elliot King provide detailed explanations of a fax machine's features, options, and capabilities, even answer the question, "Is a faxed legal document legal?" In case you didn't know, the answer is yes. The book is $9.95 from bookstores or from Ventana Press at PO Box 2468, Chapel Hill NC 27515. Phone 919-942-0220; fax 919- 942-1140. (Wendy Woods/19900202)