RE_Sonneveld@PTTRNL.NL (R.E. Sonneveld, PTT Research, The Netherlands, (01/18/90)
Hello, all I've set up the directory channel to be able to use a pseudo domain for one of our projects (an expert system). I followed all steps, mentioned in the PMDF V3.1 manual on page IV-52 and IV-53. I created the [.directories] directory with the right owner and protection. I created the right x$y.txt file and crdb'd it to x$y.dat (with world:re access). I entered a few entries in the file, according to instructions on page IV-53 from the manual. I created a rewrite rule for the pseudo-domain and added the directory channel. Then I tried to mail to This failed with an access violation. The mail remains in the [QUEUE.DIRECTORY] channel. The logfile showed: > ... > $ run pmdf_root:[exe]dir_master > %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=00000000, PC=0000892E, PSL=0BC00000 > %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows > module name routine name line rel PC abs PC > MMMOD MM_LOOKUP_CHANNEL 2240 00000042 0000892E > QUMOD QU_INIT 1241 0000001C 000105B0 > DIR_MASTER DIR_MASTER 1635 00000061 00005AD1 > ... I tried to do some debugging but couldn't find where things went wrong and why. Below I enclose the entries in the pmdf.cnf file, and the entries in the pseudo-domain.txt file. Can anybody help me? BTW: the debug keywords on the channel provided me with nothing more than I had. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Rolf Sonneveld PTT Research Neher Laboratories The Netherlands E-mail: The entries in the PMDF.CNF file are: > TEST.NL $U%TEST.NL@DIRECTORY-DAEMON > > directory master_debug slave_debug > DIRECTORY-DAEMON The file PMDF_ROOT:[DIRECTORIES]TEST$NL.TXT contains the following entries: > postmaster postmaster%testmachine@unixmachine > henk henk%testmachine@unixmachine > sandra sandra%testmachine@unixmachine > margot margot%testmachine@unixmachine
ICP@HLSDNL5 (R.E. Sonneveld, PTT Research, The Netherlands, (02/01/90)
Hello, PMDF-Listeners Some time ago I posted a question to this list, but got no reaction at all. The question concerned the directory channel. Below I enclose the question. I hope somebody can help me to find the solution to this problem. Rolf Sonneveld ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I've set up the directory channel to be able to use a pseudo domain for one of our projects (an expert system). I followed all steps, mentioned in the PMDF V3.1 manual on page IV-52 and IV-53. I created the [.directories] directory with the right owner and protection. I created the right x$y.txt file and crdb'd it to x$y.dat (with world:re access). I entered a few entries in the file, according to instructions on page IV-53 from the manual. I created a rewrite rule for the pseudo-domain and added the directory channel. Then I tried to mail to This failed with an access violation. The mail remains in the [QUEUE.DIRECTORY] channel. The logfile showed: > ... > $ run pmdf_root:[exe]dir_master > %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=00000000, PC=0000892E, PSL=0BC00000 > %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows > module name routine name line rel PC abs PC > MMMOD MM_LOOKUP_CHANNEL 2240 00000042 0000892E > QUMOD QU_INIT 1241 0000001C 000105B0 > DIR_MASTER DIR_MASTER 1635 00000061 00005AD1 > ... I tried to do some debugging but couldn't find where things went wrong and why. Below I enclose the entries in the pmdf.cnf file, and the entries in the test.txt file. Can anybody help me? BTW: the debug keywords on the channel provided me with nothing more than I had. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Rolf Sonneveld PTT Research Neher Laboratories The Netherlands E-mail: The entries in the PMDF.CNF file are: > TEST.NL $U%TEST.NL@DIRECTORY-DAEMON > > directory master_debug slave_debug > DIRECTORY-DAEMON The file PMDF_ROOT:[DIRECTORIES]TEST$NL.TXT contains the following entries: > postmaster postmaster%testmachine@unixmachine > henk henk%testmachine@unixmachine > sandra sandra%testmachine@unixmachine > margot margot%testmachine@unixmachine