[bit.listserv.pmdf-l] Error in DN_MASTER.LOG

CHAMBERS_K@CHO006.CHO.GE.COM (Keith - Systems & Tools - 8*277-6132) (02/05/90)

We run a link to a remote site that we connect to three times a day using
a DECnet synchronous dialup link. We are getting MAIL through, but we are
seeing the following in the log files when the link is down - should it
die with a stack dump?

$       verify = f$verify(0)

Batch job 970, queue AT$BATCH on cpu CHO006.

        Total time 12 secs (6 secs to LOGIN.COM  + 6 for LOGIN.COM)
%PAS-F-HALT, HALT procedure called
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
module name     routine name                     line       rel PC    abs PC

                                                           00044E4F  00044E4F
DN_MASTER       DI_FATAL_ERROR                   1353      000003C0  0000599C
DN_MASTER       DI_INIT                          1366      0000015F  00006E73
DN_MASTER       DN_MASTER                        2806      00000096  00007072
  SYSTEM       job terminated at  2-FEB-1990 14:02:29.73

  Accounting information:
  Buffered I/O count:          182      Peak working set size:   913
  Direct I/O count:            102      Peak page file size:    3114
  Page faults:                 946      Mounted volumes:           0
  Charged CPU time:     0 00:00:09.22   Elapsed time:     0 00:00:19.50

NED@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU (Ned Freed, Postmaster) (02/05/90)

The stack dump is normal is the link cannot be made. I don't suppress
stack dumps in PMDF channel programs as a rule -- they are extremely
informative when something is actually wrong.

You probably do not want to have delivery attempts made when the link
is down. If you mark the channel as slave only, no attempts will be made
to deliver messages queued to the channel. Then you can use MASTER.COM
to service the channel in a periodic job of your own that only runs when
the link is actually up. (See the comments at the end of MASTER.COM for
a description of the parameters.)

Of course, what you have now does work, so you may want to leave it alone.
