[bit.listserv.pmdf-l] General rewrite rule for .bitnet

COMBSTM@CONRAD.APPSTATE.EDU (Terry M. Combs) (02/09/90)

> Date: Mon, 5 Feb 90 08:58 PST
> From: MIKE@cisco.nosc.mil
> Subject: Thanks!
>         Thanks to all who tried to help with my problem (Re: configuring a
> gateway). The key was the $D which I still can't find define in the doc,
> although I see it used in several places. Many sent me rules I had already
> tried, of course "$U%$H.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu" was right out of the manual
> and didn't work, I'm glad I'm not the only one a little confused with this
> stuff! Ned Freed himself provided the best rule:
> -------
> alternatively, you can avoid the extra channel entirely by using a rewrite
> rule of the form
>     .bitnet      $U@$H$D@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU@CTCP-DAEMON
> This type of rule is not documented in 3.0, but it does work.
> -------
We experimented with a general rule like this, and generally it works-mail is
sent across TCP/Ip.  All mail (whether it has a valid host name or
not, but, ending in ".bitnet") will be sent to CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU.  If there are
users mailing from VMSmail on the gateway machine, invalid host names ending in
".bitnet" can be used and subsequently sent across ctcp-daemon, rather than
telling the user at mail composition time he has an invalid bitnet host name.
A user could enter the address USER@INVALID.BITNET and the mail would still be
sent out, and later returned undeliverable.  If users do not send mail from the
machine which is gatewaying, then this is the solution.

- Terry