[bit.listserv.history] Russia and the US..

DDAHM@VM.UNI-C.DK (Hans Joergen Marker) (01/19/90)

John Bor Ox states that hadn't it been for all the supplies that the US
sent to Russia the Russians would have lost the war. That is fairly hypotheti-
cal, isn't it? But actually those Northatlantic convoys were British, and as
I recollect the Americans were the ones that were so terribly fond of Russia
during WWII and very anxious to twart British imperialism in the Balcans.

Anyway Hitlers war was lost in the winter 1940/41 when it was clear that
the Luftwaffe was unable to defeat the RAF, and thus an invasion of Britain
would not be possible. The rest was a question of time.

Hans Joergen Marker
Danish Data Archives