[bit.listserv.history] my queries


Dear Listers,

I felt a need to reply to Kathy Morrison's comments regarding my questions.
I fear doing so, because my unknowledgeable and naive comments my lower
the tone of the list, however my emotions have gotten the best of me, so I
guess I must.  I do not wish to use this list for private comments, but since
the original were sent to the list, I figure others may be interested and
may comment themselves.

I was not aware that one needed to be knowledgeable about history in toto
in order to participate in the list.  I'm not even sure that anyone could
be knowledgeable about history in toto.  The point of the list, as I under-
stand it, is for the exchange of ideas, and for discussion.  One does not need
to have completed a dissertation on pre-Andean architecture in order two
put his/her two (or three) cents in.

I asked the list the questions, because I thought, and was right, that I
could get information from many different sources.  I have written knowing
that Valentine Smith may be of assistance.  I thought that the list's
function was to inform and to educate.

I would appreciate any comments on this--private or otherwise.  Am I off the
mark, or have I made a bull's eye?

One further caution--for those who find my quesitons naive--check your
mail directory and ascertain who has sent mail.  In this manner any waste
of time can be avoided.

Kieran OConnor