CARBUCKLE@UMKCVAX1 (Valentine M. Smith) (02/14/90)
From: VAX1::CARBUCKLE "Valentine M. Smith" 13-FEB-1990 17:19:58.69 To: @SOVIET CC: Subj: USSR(#41) In view of all the remarks about irrelavancy of comments to the list, this post will be almost exclusively about the Soviet Union, though later I will write about the USSR and its reaction to the so-called "German question." The following is a blatent steal of info from US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT- This is an election schedule for the "local elections" in the Soviet Union through 3/25 and a comment or two; 2/18-Uzbekistan-The Popular Front is called Birlik, and is seeking greater autonomy for the region. 2/24-Lithuania-Both the Sajudis and a breakaway faction of the CP are seeking independence from the Soviet Union, though whether that means complete autonomy or linkage via federation remains unclear 2/25-Moldavia-the Popular Front there seeks reunification with Romania. No word at this date as to whether Romania's "government" favors such an idea. 2/25-Kirghizia and Tadzhikistan- seek better prices, more housing, less pollution and settlement of the so-called "nationalities" question. Apparently, thousands of Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan have landed in Tadzhikistan, and the Moslem Tadzhiks fear displacement by the refugees. At latest count, 37 dead and over 100 injured in the rioting in Dushanbe, the Tadzhik capitol. The violence footage is intense, apparently the mob burned down the regional CP headquarters, and today is allegedly rampaging in the city's suburbs. 3/4-The Russian Republic elections are primarily over reforms-what and how many, and who will lead. 3/4-The Ukraine-This region has a new CP boss-Volodymyr Ivashko-and a main opposition group known as Rukh(don't know the meaning of this word). Reforms are the primary agenda of this election. 3/4-Byelorussia-The Popular Front there is called Adradzhen'ne(Renewal) and they are pushing for greater autonomy from the central government. 3/18-Latvia and Estonia-As has been reported before, both these republics seek independence. 3/25-Kazakhstan-An intersting group there called Nevada(named for our nuclear test state)wants a ban on nuclear testing in this republic, at a site called Senipalitinisk(I think that's right). 3/25-Georgia-The Popular Front here wants independence, other opposition groups are boycotting the election to protest Soviet heavy-handedness and narrow-minded policies. All in all, the spring promises to be a lively time in the Soviet Union. I suggest, despite seeing American political scientists suggest prognosticating on the USSR to be "foolish", that the unrest in the Soviet "southern rim" will continue, to lesser and greater degrees depending on things like the Party Congress and the outcome of these "local" elections. Though I said I would not write at length on Germany in this post, I would offer a comment to the "2+4" idea floating around. This takes the form I thought the reunification question might, includes the Allied "Big Four" and the two German states in a solution. Lots of road to yet cover, but I don't believe a workable solution can exclude the Allies because of the "military alliance question." More on this later. Lastly, the KGB(remember those guys?)admitted that from 1930-53, 750,000 political prisoners were shot to death. They say this number does not include camp deaths, or other forms of execution. This number, i maintain, will forever be fuzzy, but that KGB would admit ANYTHING is astounding! That's sort of like the CIA admitting to being drug-runners in Southeast Asia.