baumgard@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jon Baumgardner) (03/07/91)
Expires: July 30, 1991 Sender: (Jon Baumgardner) Followup-To: Distribution: world Organization: University of Hawaii Keywords: Micro Focus, Realia I am doing a study to determine which PC development tool is better for developing applications to use on the mainframe. I just ordered a copy of Micro Focus Cobol II with the Tool Set and the WorkBench. I also have in hand an order form for the evaluation copy of Realia COBOL. Realia may have a faster compiler and the code may run faster on the PC, but the mainframe code is going to be the same! I am not concerned with the speed of execution on the PC as much as the debugging and development tools ability to emulate the mainframe. 1) Does either product access ADABAS files? 2) Does either product work with PC Natural? 3) I know that some CASE tools will generate code through links to Micro Focus COBOL. Does Realia do the same thing? Which CASE tools? 4) Does Realia have a way to transfer packed (COMP) data fields in VSAM files? 5) Which product do you recommend? Thanks for your help. Realia 10 South Riverside Plaza Chicago 60606 (312) 346-0642 Micro Focus 2465 East Bayshore Road Suite 400 Palo Alto, CA 94303 800-872-6265 Disclaimer: I only claim to be a Purdue grad. The ultimate educational experience. The fact that I am a Certified Data Processor (CDP) only means that I guessed right 70+% of the time on the test.