[net.space] Reactions to Shuttle Disaster

dietz@SLB-DOLL.CSNET (Paul Dietz) (01/29/86)

First impressons of reactions:

(1) Reagan's speech was masterful (the last sentence, especially).  You
have to admire his style.  Reagan has apparently ruled out immediate
cancellation of the shuttle; long term reaction is hard to judge.

(2) Criticism of NASA has been muted, perhaps because it would seem in
bad taste so soon after the incident.

(3) The anti-manned spaceflight planetary scientists will jump on this
to try to scuttle the space station and perhaps cut back on the
shuttle.  Thomas Gold was strongly critical of the shuttle and of manned
spaceflight to low orbit as practiced with the shuttle when he was
interviewed on MacNeill/Lehrer this evening.  The
juxtaposition of this tragedy with the Voyager-2 flyby of Uranus
did not go unmentioned.

(4) NASA isn't helping things by keeping quiet, although it's unfair for
the news media to expect immediate diagnosis of the cause of the
tragedy.  If NASA takes too long the media could get unruly.

(5) Pro-space groups have gone into damage-control mode.  Ben Bova was
on the local TV station downplaying the accident.

(6) The level of media interest is astounding.  Hard facts will be
scarce for a while, so there's going to be a tremendous news vacuum
sucking all sorts of speculation, accusation and justification into
public view.  A lot of what previously seemed unpatriotic criticism
will be aired.

alan@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Alan Algustyniak) (01/29/86)

My predictions:

 1) Almost every 'psychic' who writes for the supermarket tabloids will
	claim to have predicted the event.

 2) Von Danieken will write a rash of books about the 'Shuttle Triangle'
	and coverups of alien interference.

	They will all be best sellers.

		Your Welcome,

			Al Algustyniak

rfradenb@bbnccv.UUCP (Roger Fradenburgh) (01/31/86)

In article <2599@sdcrdcf.UUCP> alan@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Alan Algustyniak) writes:
>My predictions:
> 1) Almost every 'psychic' who writes for the supermarket tabloids will
>	claim to have predicted the event.
> 2) Von Danieken will write a rash of books about the 'Shuttle Triangle'
>	and coverups of alien interference.

My prediction:  Your predictions will, unfortunately (no reflection on
you), prove to be 100% accurate (I heard a report yesterday that some
nitwit had already wondered in print or on the air if the apple someone
handed to Christa McAuliffe might have been an incindiary device).  I can
almost see the National Enquirer, sitting in a rack by the checkout
counter, proclaiming, "NASA Hides Proof Shuttle Destroyed By Alien
Spaceship!!".  Depressing.

carroll@uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU (02/01/86)

It's hardly NASA's fault that they have nothing to say about what went
wrong. If they figure it out within the next month, I will be amazed. It's
just too complex to look at some raw telemetry data and say, "Yup, that's
what did 'er".

ethan@utastro.UUCP (02/04/86)

In article <2599@sdcrdcf.UUCP>, alan@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Alan Algustyniak) writes:
> My predictions:
>  1) Almost every 'psychic' who writes for the supermarket tabloids will
> 	claim to have predicted the event.
>  2) Von Danieken will write a rash of books about the 'Shuttle Triangle'
> 	and coverups of alien interference.
3)  It will be revealed by Jack Anderson that Russian psychics caused the
    explosion.  Uri Geller will be invited to comment on this possibility
    on some idiotic talk show.
"These are not the opinions    Ethan Vishniac
 of the administration of      {charm,ut-sally,ut-ngp,noao}!utastro!ethan
 the University of Texas,      ethan@astro.UTEXAS.EDU
 but they are the opinions     Department of Astronomy
 of your favorite deity, who   University of Texas
 is in daily communication 
 with me on this (and every 
 other) topic.