[list.humanist] 3.924 German e-texts; archiving

Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (01/12/90)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 924. Thursday, 11 Jan 1990.

(1)   Date: 11 January 90, 10:40:33 MEZ                      (73 lines)
      From: Dr. Gerd Willee 0228 - 73 56 20  UPK000   at DBNRHRZ1
      Subject: German e-texts

(2)   Date: Fri, 12 Jan 90 07:42:22 EST                      (53 lines)
      From: munnari!csc2.anu.OZ.AU!dgn612@uunet.UU.NET (David Nash)
      Subject: Archiving

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 11 January 90, 10:40:33 MEZ
From: Dr. Gerd Willee           0228 - 73 56 20      UPK000   at DBNRHRZ1
Subject: German e-texts

 Machine readable texts and lists available in Bonn, FRG:

The IKS e.V., related to the University of Bonn, distributes
the following machine readable texts and lists on floppies
to be used under DOS to scientific users:

1) The works of Immanuel Kant (Vol I - IX of the Akademie-Edition)
   The texts are marked for page and line respectively, so that an
   identification of text references in the printed version is possible.
   contains about 1.4 million current wordforms, 10 MB)
   As the text had been keypunched originally without indicating the
   capitals, the texts are available in lowercase only in the moment.
   The insertion of the capitals is presently being done.

 - File preindexed with WordCruncher(TM) including the
   text as plain ASCII-files ........................... 1,250.00 DM

 - Plain ASCII-files only .............................. 1,000.00 DM

   ==> The use of the preindexed file is possible only with the
       ViewETC component of WordCruncher.

2) LIMAS Corpus of Modern Written German
   a representative corpus compiled following the same principles
   which have been used for the Brown Corpus, contains about 1 million
   current wordforms, 10 MB)

 - File preindexed with WordCruncher(TM) including the
   text as plain ASCII-file ............................ 1,250.00 DM

 - Plain ASCII-file only ............................... 1,000.00 DM

   ==> The use of the preindexed file is possible only with the
       ViewETC component of WordCruncher.

3) Frequency lists to the LIMAS Corpus (lemmatized)

 - List of the  2,000 most frequent wordforms ............ 200.00 DM

 - List of the 10,000 most frequent wordforms ............ 950.00 DM

4) BONNLEX - Word Data Base of Modern German

   Contains about 300,000 entries (basic forms and wordforms) with
   morphologicals, syntactic, and semantic indications.

   The part containing the LIMAS-word forms (about 110.000 entries)
   (ca. 30 MB) can be obtained either on mag tape or on
   optical disk (WORM) ................................. 2,500.00 DM

Please contact for further information and/or orders

IKS e.V.
c/o Dr. Gerd Willee
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47

5300 Bonn 1, FRG

EARN/BITNET: upk000 at dbnrhrz1

All prices listed above are indicated in German Marks.

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------75----
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 90 07:42:22 EST
From: munnari!csc2.anu.OZ.AU!dgn612@uunet.UU.NET (David Nash)
Subject: Archiving


                      The Canberra On-line Users Group of the
                Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)

                               is convening a seminar

                               "Punch-cards on PCs? :
     Coping with machine readable records in libraries and archives"

                              Wednesday 28 March 1990
                               Burgmann College, ANU

It is proposed to consider such questions as: [selection]
* how do you restore your backups on DOS 2.3 if you have a new 4.0
* how do you manage today's data so it can be accessed in the future e.g.
 thirty years time?
* how do you supervise access to machine readable records to prevent
 massaging of data?
* is a computer produced map a publication?

	Programme items include:
	* Findings of ACLIS Working Party on preservation of
	 Machine Readable Records
	* Report from Australian Council of Archives Standing Committee
	 on Machine Readable Records
	* Report on Australian Archives Workshop for Disposal Staff

Cost including morning and afternoon teas and lunch:
ALIA members  $30
non-members   $50

For further details contact:

Jean Geue
Telephone: (062)832303

Geraldine Triffitt
Linguistics Bibliographer
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (AIAS)
GPO Box 553             Fax: (062)497310
Canberra ACT 2601       Telegraphic: ABINST
Telephone: (062)461177

or through the poster of this note, David Nash <dgn612@csc2.anu.oz.au>.