Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (01/17/90)
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 941. Wednesday, 17 Jan 1990. (1) Date: 16 January 1990, 15:55:08 EDT (22 lines) From: FLANNAGA at OUACCVMB Subject: ideal workstation? (2) Date: Mon, 15 Jan 90 22:02:41 CST (12 lines) From: ENCOPE@LSUVM Subject: OH NO IT'S CURSOR TROUBLE GET ME A COMPU-DOC KWIK CWICK QWIK (3) Date: Mon, 15 Jan 90 23:20:26 EST (8 lines) From: LNGDANAP@UOGUELPH Subject: Address request (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 January 1990, 15:55:08 EDT From: FLANNAGA at OUACCVMB I have been asked to serve on an Ohio State Board of Regents advisory group that will project the perfect scholar's work station: the computer-linked, communication center, desk-top publisher, library-searching, all-purpose professor's dream electronic office. Since this is a project growing out of what is also a projected linking up of all state libraries, the emphasis will be on scholarly research via libraries. In the past, Humanist has discussed the design of centers for computing in the humanities, and has discussed incidentally the scholar's work station, but may I ask for a design for the perfect scholarly electronic office, with instant access to the library? One advantage of such networked offices, as explained to me by a director of our library, would be automated library functions such as notification to the scholar of all books coming through Acquisitions within his or her stated fields. One service might be the delivery of books to the scholar (really to keep office space in the library free for library use); another service might be semi-automatic copying of journals at the scholar's request, from the holdings of any library in the state (or any library linked with the Ohio OLIS system). Any suggestions either for equipment, communication links, services? Roy Flannagan (2) --------------------------------------------------------------17---- Date: Mon, 15 Jan 90 22:02:41 CST From: ENCOPE@LSUVM Subject: OH NO IT'S CURSOR TROUBLE GET ME A COMPU-DOC KWIK CWICK QWIK! Does anyone have a program that will enlarge the almost invisible cursor on the Toshiba laptop, specifically the T-1200 with a very hard disk? Kevin L. Cope Department of English Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 ENCOPE@LSUVM (3) --------------------------------------------------------------16---- Date: Mon, 15 Jan 90 23:20:26 EST From: LNGDANAP@UOGUELPH Subject: Address request I would very much appreciate it if fellow HUMANISTS at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem could send me the e-address for Gabrielle Schorr (Department of French). If she has none, could someone pass on a brief message to her? Many thanks.