[list.humanist] 3.942 network charging? e-journals? initiation?

Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (01/19/90)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 942. Thursday, 18 Jan 1990.

(1)   Date:         Thu, 18 Jan 90 12:11:33 EST              (25 lines)
      From:         STAIRS@vm.epas.utoronto.ca
      Subject:      Network Charging

(2)   Date:     Thu, 18 JAN 90 16:32:40 GMT                  (19 lines)
      Subject:  Back messages on e-journals bundled into file?

(3)   Date:     17 January 1989                              (20 lines)
      From:     Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
      Subject:  initiation?

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date:         Thu, 18 Jan 90 12:11:33 EST
From:         STAIRS@vm.epas.utoronto.ca
Subject:      Network Charging

Fellow Humanists,

Greetings!  I am wondering if anyone out there knows of some software
that we could use to keep track of pages printed on a Novell network?
We have a lab for students to use.  We provide both dot-matrix and laser
printers for their use.  Currently we only charge for the laser
printers.  These involves a member of the staff counting sheets of
paper, then loaning out the paper tray with X sheets.  When the student
brings the tray back they pay for how much they have printed.  I recall
accounting facilities on mainframes keeping track of the number of pages
printed, and charging accounts accordingly.  Does anyone know if an
equivalent utility is available for PC networks (especially Novell)?  It
seems a terrible waste of staff time carrying on the way we have in the
past.  Any leads would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Stairs
Site Coordinator
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
University of Toronto
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------32----
Date:     Thu, 18 JAN 90 16:32:40 GMT
Subject:  Back messages on e-journals bundled into file?

Past messages on Electronic Journals

There has been quite a traffic on the pros and cons of electronic
journals in HUMANIST over the past year.  Unfortunately, I didnt keep
copies of these -and Ive just been asked for comments by colleagues who
want to start such a journal in the business strategy field.  Has anyone
got these messages extracted and filed, and if so could they send me a
copy?  This would save me having to do a complete trawl though the
HUMANIST archives...


Edis Bevan
Open University, United Kingdom
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date:     17 January 1989
From:     Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject:  initiation?

A query about a matter unrelated to computing (if anything can be),
asked in my capacity as curious private citizen.

I am interested in the comparative religious study of initiation,
especially with regards to the symbolism. Mircea Eliade has, I know,
written much on this subject, e.g. Rites and Symbols of Initiation, but
I am uneasy about relying solely on Eliade's work, although it seems to
be just right for my purposes. What makes Eliade so useful is his
attention to modes of thought, and hence imagery and metaphor,
supposedly characteristic of initiation. My interest is specifically in
tracing initiatory patterns in the Hebrew Bible.

Any advice or references would be greatly appreciated.

Yours, Willard McCarty