[list.humanist] 3.946 diverse replies

Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (01/19/90)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 946. Thursday, 18 Jan 1990.

(1)   Date:         Wed, 17 Jan 90 09:35:53 CST              (13 lines)
      From:         Norman Hinton <SSUBIT12@UIUCVMD>
      Subject:      BIG cursor

(2)   Date:   Thu, 18 Jan 90 09:16:00 EST                    (15 lines)
      From:   Osman.Durrani@durham.ac.uk
      Subject: Re: 3.913 (Meg Greer)

(3)   Date:   Wed, 17 Jan 90 13:16:51 EST                     (6 lines)
      From:   Daniel Boyarin <BOYARIN@TAUNIVM>
      Subject:      Re: 3.941 ideal workstation? enlarged cursor? address? (67)

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date:         Wed, 17 Jan 90 09:35:53 CST
From:         Norman Hinton <SSUBIT12@UIUCVMD>
Subject:      BIG cursor

Please note: I have no personal experience with this software.  But
for several years, Infoworld has had an ad for software titled No-Squint:
the ad (on p. 78 of the Jan 8 issue) says that it provides a "BIG and
BOLD and BLINKing" cursor.  Cost is 39.95 plus $2 shipping: the
makers, SkiSoft Publishing Co, 1644 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 79,
Lexington MA 02173 (U.S.A.) have an 800 number:  800-456-8465.

The ad specifically mentions the Toshiba 1000: it should be worth a
free phone call to see if the cursor routine works on a 1200....
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------22----
Date:   Thu, 18 Jan 90 09:16:00 EST
From:   Osman.Durrani@durham.ac.uk
Subject: Re: 3.913 (Meg Greer)

Herewith a response from our resident Hispanists to your query
Nr 3.913.

Meg Greer: your message re SCRIBES has arrived with me via many! Our G-A
colleague -- Dan Rogers -- won't come near a screen, but I've taken a
hard copy of your message to show him.
Chris Perriam, Dept of Spanish and Italian, SML, Durham University,
Durham, England.

(spk0 @ uk.ac.dur.mts)
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------14----
Date:   Wed, 17 Jan 90 13:16:51 EST
From:   Daniel Boyarin <BOYARIN@TAUNIVM>
Subject:      Re: 3.941 ideal workstation? enlarged cursor? address? (67)

to lngdana at guelph or something like that. i will be happy to pass
on a message to gabrielle schorr if you send it to me.