Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (02/02/90)
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 988. Thursday, 1 Feb 1990. (1) Date: THU, 01 Feb 90 11:51:01 EST (30 lines) From: "Pierre Hamel" <HAMEL@INRS-URB.UQuebec.CA> (2) Date: Thu, 1 Feb 90 05:06:44 EST (30 lines) From: David.A.Bantz@mac.dartmouth.edu Subject: Re: 3.984 queries, various and interesting (135) (3) Date: Wed, 31 Jan 90 22:47 EST (12 lines) From: O MH KATA MHXANHN <MCCARTHY@CUA> Subject: kana stacks (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: THU, 01 Feb 90 11:51:01 EST From: "Pierre Hamel" <HAMEL@INRS-URB.UQuebec.CA> Re: French e-dictionary Permettez-moi de vous suggerer un logiciel qui tourne sur IBM PC et compatible et dont les performances sont proprement impressionnantes. Il s'agit de " HUGO PLUS ", (Manseau et al.) un verificateur orthographique et grammatical compatible avec WordPerfect 5.0 et WordPerfect 4.2, MicrosoftWord 5, Wordstar 4 et autres. Cout: 84,95 $CAN Par ailleurs, la meme maison propose un autre logiciel grammatical qui fonctionne comme un systeme-expert particulierement sophistique et qui convient bien aux regles tordues de la langue francaise: " Le Grammairien " (Simard et MacHan) Cout: 694,95 $CAN Logidisque Inc. C.P. 10, succ. "D" Montreal, QUEBEC H3K 3B9 Telephone: (514) 933-2225 Telecopie: (514) 933-2182 J'essaierai de me negocier un pourcentage sur les ventes ... Pierre J. Hamel, INRS (2) --------------------------------------------------------------42---- Date: Thu, 1 Feb 90 05:06:44 EST From: David.A.Bantz@mac.dartmouth.edu Subject: Re: 3.984 queries, various and interesting (135) We have a large (75 MB) HyperCard stack for learning hanzi (Chinese characters) which includes digitised images of brush pen hanzi written by a calligrapher, "ball point pen" (uniform stroke width) versions, pronunciation by male and female native speakers (digitized sounds), Pinyin, English translations, smooth animation of the writing of the hanzi, and links between simplified and non-simplified versions of the characters. The stack has 2500 hanzi (with variant forms included in the count, about 3500)--the "basic literacy set" as defined by the PRC. The stack supports search by Pinyin with disambiguation among homonyms, creation of arbitrary subsets of characters, and creation of stand-alone subsets to fit on a diskette. At 75 MB we are distributing this stack on CD-ROM; it also includes extensive interactive help and additional software from Dartmouth (including additional software for Chinese). Request a brochure to be sent snail-mail from Humanities Computing, 101 Bartlett Hall, Hanover, NH 03755-1870 --- J.C.Baker@newcastle.ac.uk wrote: ... Does anyone know anything about stacks for teaching Japanese kanji and Chinese characters... (do they exist / if so, where / if so, how do I access them etc)? Many thanks. Judy Baker, Language Centre, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. --- end of quoted material --- (3) --------------------------------------------------------------19---- Date: Wed, 31 Jan 90 22:47 EST From: O MH KATA MHXANHN <MCCARTHY@CUA> Subject: kana stacks Hiragana and katakana stackware is available from Anonae Software P.O. Box 7629 Berkeley, CA 94707. The stacks are well done and helpful for beginners; sounds are included, and one can catch on to the proper stroke order rather quickly because of the "self-calligraphing" of charac- ters.