Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (02/03/90)
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 995. Friday, 2 Feb 1990. (1) Date: 2 February 1990 (14 lines) From: Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> Subject: new Internet Library list (2) Date: 2 February 90, 10:04:36 SET (15 lines) From: Marc Eisinger +33 (1) 40 01 51 20 EISINGER at FRIBM11 (3) Date: Fri, 02 Feb 90 15:14:21 GMT (10 lines) From: JLD1@PHOENIX.CAMBRIDGE.AC.UK Subject: Email addresses (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2 February 1990 From: Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> Subject: new Internet Library list Within the next few days, Dr. Art St. George will be sending to Humanist a revised version of his Internet Library List, i.e. a catalogue of library catalogues and other resources accessible by the Internet protocol. You will be notified when it is available. My thanks to the several members who pointed out Art St. George's very valuable service to us all. Yours, Willard McCarty (2) --------------------------------------------------------------20---- Date: 2 February 90, 10:04:36 SET From: Marc Eisinger +33 (1) 40 01 51 20 EISINGER at FRIBM11 Subjet : Link fail between US and France As some of you might know, the only link between America and Europe/Middle East is a link between CUNY and Montpellier (yes, there's other cities in France than Paris). This link had been down for a while and telecommunication people are working on it. I found very interesting some of the "US side" reaction i.e. if it doesn't work it's the "other side" fault ... No, Paris is not burning and England didn't sink. And some people should think and/or ask. It helps. Marc (3) --------------------------------------------------------------22---- Date: Fri, 02 Feb 90 15:14:21 GMT From: JLD1@PHOENIX.CAMBRIDGE.AC.UK Subject: Email addresses A very useful book which gives maps and diagrams of most countries' email networks is "A Directory of Electronic Mail Addressing and Networks", published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. It is available in Europe from UNIX Book Service, 35 Bermuda Terrace, Cambridge CB4 3LD, UK (by mail order) or phone (0223) 313273. Cost is 19.95 pounds + postage and packing. John Dawson (University of Cambridge).