[list.humanist] 3.1022 Mac/IBM and writing, cont.

Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (02/09/90)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1022. Thursday, 8 Feb 1990.

(1)   Date:   Thu, 8 Feb 90 15:43:00 EST                     (12 lines)
      Subject: Re: 3.1011 the quality of writing is (not) machined (74)

(2)   Date:   Thu, 8 Feb 90 04:00:00 EST                      (9 lines)
      From:   EIEB360@UTXVM
      Subject: 3.1011 the quality of writing is

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date:   Thu, 8 Feb 90 15:43:00 EST
Subject: Re: 3.1011 the quality of writing is (not) machined (74)

Fro Jim O'donnell.  I solved that problme long ago:  Data desk
Intrnational's key board for the various macs is both comfrotable and
splendid to use, and tactile ly very satisfactoryindeed, and it offers
macros and programs to speed up all s ort os your work too, with
software that acesses at one stroke anything you lik e and everything
that usually takes 4-5 steps to access.  Kessler at UCLA, and i t is
cheaper if ordered from the discount telephone warehouses, and they have
t ech support too by phone, when you can get Teresa, say, in Van Nuys....
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------20----
Date:   Thu, 8 Feb 90 04:00:00 EST
From:   EIEB360@UTXVM
Subject: 3.1011 the quality of writing is

Bob Kessler, Others too have suggested (is "Others too" redundant? sure
sounds like it.  Oh well) that Halio must have had some prior animus
against the Mac, some hidden agenda; I don't see it, myself-- I just
think she's flat wrong, and that the paper's a sloppy job.
                            John Slatin