[list.humanist] 3.1029 Mac questions & answers

Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (02/10/90)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1029. Friday, 9 Feb 1990.

(1)   Date:     Fri, 09 Feb 90  08:38:18 EST                 (17 lines)
      From:     ZAK@NIHCU
      Subject:  Mac Questions

(2)   Date:   Fri, 9 Feb 90 03:45:26 EST                     (50 lines)
      From:   David.A.Bantz@mac.dartmouth.edu
      Subject: Re: 3.1021 Library software for Mac? Mac in Europe? (61)

(3)   Date:   Fri, 9 Feb 90 11:39:00 EST                     (10 lines)
      From:   DEL2@phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk
      Subject: Re: [3.1022 Mac/IBM and writing, cont. (41)]

(4)   Date:   Fri, 9 Feb 90 14:10:00 EST                     (12 lines)
      Subject: Re: 3.1021 Library software for Mac? Mac in Europe? (61)

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date:     Fri, 09 Feb 90  08:38:18 EST
From:     ZAK@NIHCU
Subject:  Mac Questions

From:    <PU6MI6Q5@ICINECA2>
> This is an urgent request regarding library software for Macs.  I work in
> a small research lab, which has a large variety of material to classify.

From:   hcf1dahl@UCSBUXA.BITNET
> A visiting faculty member from Hungary is considering purchasing
> a Macintosh computer here and taking it back to Europe with him
> when he returns in the fall. Questions of power variations are a
> concern. Would it be better for him to wait and buy the equipment
> in Germany during his return trip?

Try sending your questions to INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU. To sign on
to the list, Send mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------62----
Date:   Fri, 9 Feb 90 03:45:26 EST
From:   David.A.Bantz@mac.dartmouth.edu
Subject: Re: 3.1021 Library software for Mac? Mac in Europe? (61)

Definitely do not wait because of compatibility questions.  Mac's since
the Plus (i.e., SE, SE/30, and all II series) have automatically
adjusting power supplies for 110-240 VAC, 50 or 60 herz.  You need only
get a power cord or plug adaptor that will fit the wall.

A Mac in Germany will come with a German keyboard layout rather than the
US layout, and German system software.  Since the system software is
readily available and keyboard is software re-mappable, this matters
only if you really want the labeled German umlauted characters and s-zet
key caps.  (You can, in any case, purchase separate keyboards.)

You may well run into headaches if and when it comes time to service a
US-deliverd Mac in Europe - I'm fairly certain they will not be able to
do warranty work; however a cooperative dealer should be willing to work
with you (although I'm pretty sure there are NO dealers in Hungary).

Prices in the US, even given the weak dollar, are dramatically lower
than in Europe, particularly if you can purchase as a member of Apple
University Consortium school (an official visiting appointment should
qualify one).  If AUC pricing is not available, consider a used machine
from someone who wants to upgrade.

Personal opinion gratuitously offered:  SE/30 or IIcx with 80MB drive and
additional third party memory to at least 4 MB.  (You will want the
speed and hardware memory management of the 68030 chip).

Finally, US and Hugarian Customs may have an official interest in your
importing...in my recent trips to WESTERN Europe, Customs couldn't be
bothered, but who knows next week, or if you have blue socks on...

--- hcf1dahl@UCSBUXA.BITNET wrote:
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 90 15:58:34 PST

A visiting faculty member from Hungary is considering purchasing
a Macintosh computer here and taking it back to Europe with him
when he returns in the fall. Questions of power variations are a
concern. Would it be better for him to wait and buy the equipment
in Germany during his return trip?

Advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Eric Dahlin
Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara
--- end of quoted material ---
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------18----
Date:   Fri, 9 Feb 90 11:39:00 EST
From:   DEL2@phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [3.1022 Mac/IBM and writing, cont. (41)]

Kessler might be right that DDI's keyboard is better than the Mac's
own, but the quality of his message makes it a little optimistic to say
that he  has 'solved that problem' (viz, suprfluous spaces, &c)!  Or
maybe Halio is not so wrong after all?
Douglas de Lacey, Cambridge UK.
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------17----
Date:   Fri, 9 Feb 90 14:10:00 EST
Subject: Re: 3.1021 Library software for Mac? Mac in Europe? (61)

I think Mac advertises that the machines are universally power/usable,
but one would urge a powerful filter for spikes and dropouts.  The
portable is supposed to be adaptable anywhere, even built in.  It is
worth asking about it.  I have th einfo in various manuals, but any
store that sells macs would advise.  And it is my impression that the
discount would be much more favorable if purchased thor ugh the
university bookstore mac tie-in that it would be in very tough currenci
ed marks.  Kessler at UCLA