[list.humanist] 3.1088 various noteworthy queries

Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (02/23/90)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1088. Thursday, 22 Feb 1990.

(1)   Date:     Tue, 20 Feb 90 20:30:31 MST                  (25 lines)
      From:     nye@UWYO.BITNET (Eric W Nye)
      Subject:  Telnet on the Internet outside NA?

(2)   Date:       21 Feb 90  13:02:12 gmt                    (24 lines)
      From:       D.Mealand@EDINBURGH.AC.UK
      Subject:    Greek expert system ?

(3)   Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 16:30:02 EST                      (29 lines)
      From: grgo@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Greg Goode)
      Subject: Nota Bene and Hebrew?

(4)   Date:   Thu, 22 Feb 90 00:18:54 EST                    (17 lines)
      From:   (Robert Philip Weber) WEBER@HARVARDA
      Subject: ArchiText

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date:     Tue, 20 Feb 90 20:30:31 MST
From:     nye@UWYO.BITNET (Eric W Nye)
Subject:  Telnet on the Internet outside NA?

The February revision of Art St. George's very helpful list of
Internet-accessible library catalogues has led me to wonder whether
any of our fellow HUMANISTs outside of North America have experienced
remote real time access to one of our nodes?  Do the various trans-
oceanic gateways permit Telnet-style sessions on North American hosts?
For example, could a scholar on sabbatical in Britain log on through
a computer like the Phoenix in Cambridge, connect to his account at his
home university, perform operations which would be debited against his
allocation there, and finally log off back to the Phoenix?  Clearly
someone must pay for the link through the gateway.  But who?

Are there obstacles not apparent to me?  Is Telnet (a VAX utility, I
think) not widely used across the water?  Are the Internet libraries
thus accessible only to North Americans?

                                    Eric W. Nye, Assoc. Prof.
                                    Dept. of English, Box 3353
                                    University of Wyoming
                                    Laramie, WY  82071  U.S.A.
                                           voice: 307-766-3244
                                             network: NYE@UWYO
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------36----
Date:       21 Feb 90  13:02:12 gmt
From:       D.Mealand@EDINBURGH.AC.UK
Subject:    Greek expert system ?

There is a chance that a brief project might be considered
to devise something of an expert system for the study of Greek.
One possible project which occurs to me is an automatic
syntax analyser.  An expert system must be the kind of thing
which looks at evidence and makes decisions, not something
which feeds users with existing info or lets them browse.
I would be grateful for suggestions for this project which I
will pass on to the organisers.  Please mail replies to me
as D.Mealand%uk.ac.edinburgh@ac.uk

David Mealand
JANET ADDRESS:  D.Mealand@uk.ac.edinburgh
BITNET ADDRESS: D.Mealand%uk.ac.edinburgh@ac.uk
                but if your system won't do that please instead use:
ARPA  ADDRESS:  D.Mealand@edinburgh.ac.uk
         or     D.Mealand%edinburgh.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ucl.ac.uk
PHONE:  +44 31 445-3713 any reasonable hour or +44 31 225 8400 office only
POSTAL: Dr.D.L.Mealand, N.T.Dept, University of Edinburgh,Mound,Edinburgh
          Scotland, U.K.   EH1 2LX
  or    Dr.D.L.Mealand, 1,Buckstone Place,Edinburgh,Scotland,U.K.,EH10 6UB
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------40----
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 16:30:02 EST
From: grgo@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Greg Goode)
Subject: Nota Bene and Hebrew?

I have a colleague who would like to know whether Nota Bene will
allow one to:

     - use a Hebrew keyboard
     - type in Hebrew, using right-to-left cursor movement
       and word-wrap on the left
     - print Hebrew characters

If the answer to at least one of these is NO, how about
recommendations for a Hebrew word processor for use in the U.S on
IBM PC/AT-type machines??

Send responses either here or to Humanist; I'll summarize what
I get.

|                          \                               |
|  Greg Goode                \ BITNET:                     |
|  University Computing Center \ GRGO@UORDBV.BITNET        |
|  University of Rochester      >                          |
|  Rochester, NY  14627        / Internet:                 |
|  Tel. (716) 275-2811       / grgo@uhura.cc.rochester.edu |

(4) --------------------------------------------------------------25----
Date:   Thu, 22 Feb 90 00:18:54 EST
From:   (Robert Philip Weber) WEBER@HARVARDA
Subject: ArchiText

has anyone explored ArchiText, a hypertext program for MACs?
Bob Weber
Robert Philip Weber, Ph.D.       | Phone: (617) 495-3744
Senior Consultant                | Fax:   (617) 495-0750
Academic and Planning Services   |
        Division                 |
Office For Information Technology| Internet: weber@popvax.harvard.edu
Harvard University               | Bitnet:   Weber@Harvarda
50 Church Street                 |
Cambridge MA 02138               |