[list.humanist] 3.1089 COLING 1990

Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (02/23/90)

methods, and tools for large-scale linguistic processing of
dictionaries and running text".  The detailed programme is as

Branimir Boguraev & James Pustejovsky, "Knowledge representation and
acquisition from dictionary sources" (10 h)

Kenneth W. Church, "Basic Unix for linguists" (6 h)

Lauri Karttunen, "Lexical computations" (6 h)

Judith L. Klavans & Patrick Hanks, "The role of large text corpora in
building natural language systems" (8 h)

Hiroshi Uchida, "Electronic dictionary" (5 h)

Facilities for on-line demonstrations and practice will be available
(workstations, dictionaries, corpora).

Deadline for advance registration is May 1, 1990. Before that date,
the following registration fees obtain:

COLING-90: students 400 FIM, others 750 FIM

PRE-COLING: members of the academic community 500 FIM,
representatives of commercial organizations 1500 FIM

Late registration fees (after May 1, 1990) are:

COLING-90: students 600 FIM, others 1200 FIM

PRE-COLING: members of the academic community 800 FIM,
representatives of commercial organizations 2500 FIM

Please request the detailed 2nd announcement, including information
on accommodation and the requisite registration forms, from:

Fred Karlsson
Department of General Linguistics
University of Helsinki
Hallituskatu 11
SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland
fax:    +358 0 653726
telex:  124690 unih sf