Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (02/26/90)
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1091. Monday, 26 Feb 1990. (1) Date: Fri, 23 Feb 90 11:11 GMT (27 lines) From: Oxford Text Archive <ARCHIVE@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK> Subject: telnet on the internet (2) Date: 23 February 90, 22:12:21 EMT (28 lines) From: Knut Hofland +47 5 212954/55/56 FAFKH at NOBERGEN Subject: RE: 3.1088, Telnet from Europe to NA (3) Date: Mon, 26 Feb 90 07:32 O (10 lines) From: F12016@BARILAN.BITNET Subject: TELNET OUTSIDE NA (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 23 Feb 90 11:11 GMT From: Oxford Text Archive <ARCHIVE@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK> Subject: telnet on the internet Yes, us funny old Europeans do have access to the INTERNET. JANET users can get an account at UCL.CS.NSS, log onto that and just type TELNET to connect to any US site in so-called real-time. (I say so-called because the response is sometimes a bit jerky). Getting (2) --------------------------------------------------------------33---- Date: 23 February 90, 22:12:21 EMT From: Knut Hofland +47 5 212954/55/56 FAFKH at NOBERGEN Subject: RE: 3.1088, Telnet from Europe to NA As long as a person has a Ethernet connection from his PC or Mac or host machine he can get a connection to machines on the world wide Internet (machines with a 4 part IP number). I have tried several of the machines mentioned in the file INTERNET LIBRARY. In Norway it is quite common to make FTP connections to download programs and data from the great amount of machines with archives on the Internet. (FTP is a parallel to Telnet for file transfer). At the moment we don't pay anything for this, the lines is kept by the Norwegian University Network Group, which gets its money direct from the government. If we want to make a connection via X.25 to Bix or Compuserve then our institution have to pay. But if we use mail or file transfer through Internet, Bitnet or X.400 systems, this is "free". Knut Hofland The Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities Street adr: Harald Haarfagres gt. 31 Post adr: P.O. Box 53, University N-5027 Bergen Norway Tel: +47 5 212954/5/6 Fax: +47 5 322656 (3) --------------------------------------------------------------17---- Date: Mon, 26 Feb 90 07:32 O From: F12016@BARILAN.BITNET Subject: TELNET OUTSIDE NA I don't know about England or Europe, but here in Israel, we do not have FTP connection capability to NA, though it is promised to us in about two years time. Chaim Milikowsky Bar Ilan