Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> (02/26/90)
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1093. Monday, 26 Feb 1990. (1) Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 18:54:43 EST (54 lines) From: unhd!psc90!jdg@uunet.UU.NET (Dr. Joel Goldfield) Subject: Summer grants with comp. appl. for foreign lang. & lit (2) Date: Fri, 23 Feb 90 16:33:00 EST (13 lines) From: Andrew Oliver <ANDREWO@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> Subject: TEXTES ELECTRONIQUES (3) Date: Sun, 25 Feb 90 06:07:20 PST (28 lines) From: Steve Cisler <sac@apple.com> Subject: New OTA Document: Critical Connections (4) Date: Sun, 25 Feb 90 22:08:37 EST (30 lines) From: ben@cs.UMD.EDU (Ben Shneiderman) Subject: conference announcement (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 18:54:43 EST From: unhd!psc90!jdg@uunet.UU.NET (Dr. Joel Goldfield) Subject: "Summer grants with computer applications for foreign lang. & lit. Dear Colleagues, This announcement may prove of interest for foreign language and literature professors at U.S. institutions east of the Mississippi River. Regards, Joel D. Goldfield Plymouth State College (NH) joelg@psc.bitnet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nominations and applications now being accepted for the FINAL PROGRAM of THE DARTMOUTH COLLEGE / DANA FOUNDATION COLLABORATIVE Summer Term, June 18 - August 18, 1990 Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH The goal of the collaborative language program is to develop materials that improve the pedagogy of language instruction in the United States. Visiting Fellows will demonstrate an initiative in a program which, ideally, will have far-reaching implications for the educational field nationally as well as at their own home institutions. They will share an energizing experience of interaction with colleagues from Dartmouth and from other private four-year liberal arts institutions east of the Mississippi. The Visiting Fellows actively participate in the development of computer-assisted and video language instruction projects which will expand their own understanding of language training as well as produce valuable curricular and teaching innovations. These projects may be developed according to the individual's interests or specific needs. Honoraria will be received by those candidates who elect to teach in Dartmouth's intensive summer language programs, which provide an opportunity for Visiting Fellows to incorporate newly acquired methodology. Fellows will receive recognition for participation in a program dedicated to improving pedagogy as individual and collaborative efforts are published. For further information on the program and its elegibility requirements contact: Professor John Rassias Dartmouth/Dana Collaborative Wentworth Hall - Room 101 Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 (603) 646-2922 E-mail: John.A.Rassias@mac.dartmouth.edu (2) --------------------------------------------------------------21---- Date: Fri, 23 Feb 90 16:33:00 EST From: Andrew Oliver <ANDREWO@vm.epas.utoronto.ca> Subject: TEXTES ELECTRONIQUES Les Editions Paratexte, associees avec *The Electronic Text Archive* de l'Universite de Toronto, preparent un recueil de textes litteraires francais (ce sont de veritables textes critiques). Sont disponibles immediatement: *Eugenie Grandet* de Balzac et *Le Rouge et le noir* de Stendhal. Pret dans un proche avenir: *Adolphe* de Benjamin Constant. Titres projetes: *Le Pere Goriot*, *Madame Bovary* , *Germinal*, *Dominique* (Fromentin), *La Chartreuse de Parme*, *Trois contes* . Pour de plus amples renseignenemts contacter: Andrew Oliver, Les Editions Paratexte, Trinity College, Toronto M5S 1H8 (ANDREWO@UTOREPAS) (3) --------------------------------------------------------------45---- Date: Sun, 25 Feb 90 06:07:20 PST From: Steve Cisler <sac@apple.com> Subject: New OTA Document: Critical Connections Copies of the report "Critical Connections: Communication for the Future'' can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,Washington, DC 20402-9325, GPO stock No. 052-003-01143-3. $17.00 U.S.; $21.25 International. I have the ascii version (without charts, illustrations, and sidebars) in 1.5 mb. files. One is the whole document; the other is divided in to chapters with the footnotes following each chapter. I would like to propose several courses of action: 1) find a LISTSERV that would put CRITICAL CONNECTIONS online. That would benefit the BITNET community; 2) mount it on apple.com for anonymous ftp within the Internet community 3) make the discs available to BBS operators and others who would like to disseminate this. The Mac disc is about 700Kb in compressed form; I imagine an ARCed or ZIPed DOS disc would be about the same. Steve Cisler Apple Library sac@apple.com 408-974-3258 P.S. There is also a 52 kb. summary that is chapter one. (4) --------------------------------------------------------------32---- Date: Sun, 25 Feb 90 22:08:37 EST From: ben@cs.UMD.EDU (Ben Shneiderman) PRELIMINARY AGENDA (2/14/90) DIRECTIONS IN CORPORATE ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING Sponsored by the Hyperties User Group APRIL 23 - 24, 1990 University of Maryland, College Park Center for Professional Development, University College Contact: Richard Jaffeson, 301-985-7206 -------------------- [A complete version of this announcement is now available on the file-server, s.v. ELECPUB CONFRNCE. A copy may be obtained by issuing the command -- GET filename filetype HUMANIST -- either interactively or as a batch-job, addressed to ListServ@UToronto and *not* to Humanist. Thus on a VM/CMS system, you say interactively: TELL LISTSERV AT UTORONTO GET filename filetype HUMANIST; to submit a batch-job, send mail to ListServ@UToronto with the GET command as the first and only line. For more details see your "Guide to Humanist". Problems should be reported to David Sitman, A79@TAUNIVM, after you have consulted the Guide and tried all appropriate alternatives.]