[bit.listserv.pacs-l] Electronic ILL Requests by Patrons, I


From: Gary Freiburger <GFREIBUR@UMAB>
Subject: Electronic ILL Requests

 This is a resonse to Joan Cecora's request for information on electronic ILL
requests.  At the University of Maryland Health Sciences Library we accept
requests in two ways.

First - via EARS (Electronic Access to Reference Services) where a patron can
fill in a form on-screen for either a photocopy or a book.  When they finish th
request is shipped off to our electronic mail system and "mailed" to the
Circulation Department.  If we own the item, they photocopy it and send it out.
If we don't own it, the request is forwarded (usually on paper at this point) t
the Reference Department for verification and ILL processing.

Second - we have two locally mounted databases - a subset of MEDLINE (all
English language journals to which we subscibe - 3 years worth)  and one years
worth of all seven sections of Current Contents (R).  Note that all citations i
the MEDLINE subset (we call it MaryMED) SHOULD be held by us.  When a patron is
viewing citations s/he can press return for the next citation, "B" to go back,
"P" for photocopy.  If they choose the photocopy option we grab the citation da
from the database, get their name and address from the password file and bundle
this up as an electronic mail message - again sent to the Circulation Departmen

The rest of this message consists of screen dumps from the photocopy/ILL
request portion of the EARS system.
(See Part II of this message)