[bit.listserv.pacs-l] UK OPACS on JANET, Part 4 of 4


The Royal Greenwich Observatory------------Database contains only books,
   NRS address:  0000 0000 2102            not periodicals, reports
   NRS name   :  RUTHERFORD.PRIME-E        or observatory publications
   NRS abbrev.:  rl.pe
                 [Type:      LOGIN LZGX03
                  Password:  LIB          ]

The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
   NRS address:  0000 0000 2102
   NRS abbrev.:  rl.pe
                 [Type:     LOGIN LZRL05
                  Password: LIB          ]

St Andrews   ------------------------OPAC coverage : contains 175,000 records
   (System: SAULCAT [derived from CATS]) - all material published since 1972
   NRS address:  0000 0700 7034 50       - all material acquired after 1981
   NRS name   :  ST-ANDREWS.LIB          - most other material in heavy demand
   NRS abbrev :  ST-AND.LIB

St Andrews ---------------- Circulation system containing 120,000 records
   (System: CIRCON [in-house] )           for borrowable stock of Main Library
   NRS address: 0000 0700 7233            published after 1972 or acquired
   NRS name   : ST-ANDREWS.CIRCON         since 1981, and other heavily-used
   NRS abbrev : ST-AND.CIRC               material. Includes copy availability

South Bank Polytechnic
   (System: Geac)
   NRS address: 0000 4570 1000         ) For VAX, not Geac
   NRS name   : SBANK.VAX              )

   NRS address: 0000 4570 7930         ) For Geac
   NRS name   : SBANK.SWITCH           )
                [At prompt, enter G]

Southampton                                                    [22.12.89]
   (System: CATS)--------------------------- OPAC coverage: ?
   NRS address:  0000 5030 0009
   NRS name   :  SOTON.USING
                 [at prompt, type LOGON USING ]

Stirling --------------------------- OPAC coverage: 65% approx. at 7/88
   (System: Dynix)
   NRS address:  0000 7220 0920
   NRS abbrev.:  stir.lib
                 [User: JANET] (must be upper case)

Strathclyde ------------------------ OPAC coverage: 100%
   (System: Geac)
   NRS address:  0000 7100 1090
   NRS abbrev.:  strath.lib

Surrey ----------------------------- OPAC coverage: 100%
   NRS address:  0000 4800 0002
   NRS name   :  SURREY.SYSB
   NRS abbrev.:  surr.sysb
                 [LOGIN MCS999 -ON SYSB    ]
                 [Password: SIS            ]

Sussex ----------------------------- OPAC coverage: complete
   (System: Geac)
   NRS address:  0000 4900 0080
   NRS abbrev.:  susx.lib

Swansea ---------------------------- OPAC coverage: 60%
   (System: Libertas)                     (Books borrowed since
   NRS address:  0000 6060 3200            1979, and all acquired
   NRS name   :  SWANSEA.LIBRARY           since 1980)
   NRS abbrev.:  swan.libvax

UWCC  ------------------------------ OPAC coverage: all monographs acquired
   (System: Libertas)                     since 1980, and pre-1980 heavily used
   NRS address:  0000 6030 0181           material. All theses, dissertations,
   NRS name   :  CARDIFF.LIBRARY          photocopies. Short title records for
   NRS abbrev.:  cf.liby                  periodicals. All microform standards,
                                          and maps acquired since 1980.

   (System: BLCMP)
   NRS address:  0000 5200 1017
   NRS name   :  WARWICK.OPAC
   NRS abbrev.:  warwk.opac

York ------------------------------- OPAC coverage: most items added in
   (System: Dynix)                        the last ten years have full entries:
   NRS address:  0000 0610 0012 40        the rest are Short Title.
   NRS name   :  YORK.LIBRARY             (210,000 monographs, 4,700
   NRS abbrev.:  york.library              periodicals)
                 [At Logon prompt: PUBLIC]
                 [If the previous user did not log off correctly, you may
                  find yourself in the middle of a search. Type Q (to quit)
                  and press RETURN until you get back to the Main Menu.]
(End of Part 4 and of Message)