[bit.listserv.mailbook] UCSBUXA.UCSB.EDU Mailer Problem

950MMCCA@UCSBVM.BITNET (Dwight M. McCann) (02/10/90)

   I have passed along John Wagner's reply to your query to my colleague
who is responsible for UCSBUXA (it contained your original note.)  He is
David Alix, and can be reached at 9531ALIX@UCSBVM or (805) 961-4456. I
think this information is available in BITNET NODES, or the entire entry
for the node can be obtained by 'TELL NETSERV@netserv-node GET NODENTRY
nodename', or its equivalent for your system.

Dwight M. McCann, U.C.S.B.  TechRep
Information Systems & Computing
University of California at Santa Barbara  93106
(805) 961-3113