[bit.listserv.frac-l] Use of Peitgen Tapes


In response to the recent inquiry concerning the non-commercial use of
the Peitgen tapes:  I'm not a lawyer, but it's my impression that
"personal use" would include the showing of the tapes at engineering
and other educational seminars as long as the event itself was not
for profit.  Thus, a person who was lecturing in the course of normal
professional duties to an audience that happened to have commercial
interests would not constitute a violation of the prohibition against
commercial use, as the tapes are not being used expressly to produce
income.  But this is just my impression;  I claim no legal standing for
it.  Still, I don't think that anyone will get into trouble for the
type of educational use described (unless one is charging big
admission fees to the seminars in question).  -- KLC.