[bit.listserv.i-amiga] IFF conversion and FINT archive

R809@UNB.CA (R809000) (02/06/90)

First, a comment about FINT.  I received files from FINT all weekend
without any problems.  But I have noticed is doing alot of multiple
file sending because of errors that it has made.  One program which was
send as 3 parts came as 12.  I had to sort thru them to see which ones
were complete.

Now, for all you folks out there using GIF-IFF converters and anything
else like that.  I use a much better method.  I found that those GIF-IFF
converters were time consuming and usually created huge files.  A much
simpler method is as follows:   Run SCREEN-X (available on FISH disks)
in the background.  Then use a GIF viewer or (MAC viewer whatever) to
show the picture you want to convert to IFF.  Then use SCREEN-X to save
the picture as IFF.  This method is much much faster and maked the
smallest iff file possible.  I have seen GIFtoIFF create a 100K iff that
was really only 5K, and it took a long time to generate it.

This was what I thought to be an obvious solution to picture file
converting, but seeing how many people are sending around file
conversion programs...  This method is good in that it only requires 1
program to convert anything to IFF.  And there are all kinds of GIF and
MACPIANT and IBM pic viewers already out there.

There are several programs available that will save pictures to IFF.
Any of them will do the job.  I prefer SCREEN-X.  FENSTER should work
as well.  Although I can't remeber if it saves or not.  anyway happy

                                              -Dhomas Trenn.