SCK@YKTVMV.BITNET (Scott C. Kennedy 862-2279) (02/10/90)
Complete Amiga 2000 System For Sale Amiga 2000 with Motorola 68000 CPU with 3 Megabytes of RAM, and enhanced chipset allowing 1 Meg of CHIP RAM & Workbench 1.3.2 (latest version). Can display 4096 colors at the same time with 640 by 400 resolution. 4 Channel Stereo Sound. High speed blitter and animation capabilities. Thousands of packages to choose from. With 85 Megabytes of Hard Drive Storage. IBM PC Compatibility. run any MS-DOS Software Apple Macintosh Compatibility. run any Macintosh Software EGA Card for the PC Compatibility. AST SixPak + Expansion card for the PC. Micron 2 Megabyte memory Expansion Card Hayes 2400 Baud External Modem. External Macintosh Drive External PC Drive 5 1/4 Analog RGB Color Monitor. Works with All modes. All Cabling and installation included. I spent over $7,000.00 building this system, but now I must sell it to pay for a Unix Workstation. Must Sell. No reasonable offer refused Only $4,250.00 or B.O. Call (914) 428-9664 Ask For Scott.